Subversion- and the strange story of the Maori Princess.

Then and now?

Why the strange propensity of our governments to pay annual homage to Ratana, and what of Princess Te Puea’s reported attempted bargain with the Japanese in World War  II?  To find out more, check out the link above.

We are all now pretty well aware that the majority of our left-wing mainstream media journalists are pushing their own barrows. Having sold out their integrity by agreeing to the agenda behind the Public Interest Journalist Fund,  they have the new coalition  government in their sights, and are more than sympathetic to the tiny core group of radicalized Maori activists apparently obsessed by one part only of their genetic inheritance.

Although this certainly isn’t the case with all reporters, too many  have long ditched the journalists’ code of honour – i.e facts are sacred – to indulge in warping these, quite openly mischief-making. A striking example is with regard to misrepresenting ACT leader David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill – (with its intent to give New Zealanders the chance to at last examine what the supposed “principles” of the Treaty of Waitangi actually are) – as an  attempt to do away with the treaty.

Seymour  proposed nothing of the sort, and given that National’s leader Christopher Luxon (recently obligingly putting in an appearance at the  Big Gay Out festival) is now increasingly seen as weak when standing up to activists’ pressure, and saying National will not support the bill past its first reading, it’s going to be an interesting time ahead.  However, the Prime Minister’s reason for saying this -that ACT’s bill is  divisive, is regarded is feeble. Every piece of legislation can be regarded as divisive when it is promoted by one faction, and opposed by another. His was a silly statement.

Moreover, many think with reason that the Treaty of Waitangi, its intent and provisions now reinvented and distorted, should indeed be consigned to the dustbin of history. Seymour is right in emphasizing that  people have had enough of race-based rights, which was never the intent of the treaty. On the contrary.

Luxon is seen as also being far too dominating in dealing with his own party members, seemingly with a propensity to see himself as ruling over a corporation (as when he was former CEO of Air New Zealand) instead of simply primus inter pares – temporarily leader of a political party composed of individuals of varying degrees of intelligence –  some far more aware, for example, of the whole CO2 climate emergency scam so much costing us all, more than even in economic terms.

What our present Prime Minister also doesn’t seem to realize is that he is not the ruler of this county. The final say on this issue should be up to New Zealanders, and if they obviously wish ACT’s bill to be taken further, then so it should.

Most importantly, both the Prime Minister and the MSM seem to have no idea of the fact that by far the majority of part-Maori, getting  on with their  lives like all other New Zealanders, are utterly fed up with this splinter group of near fanatical extremists who are  by no means averse to twisting actual facts and making false accusations. Both ACT’s leader and Winston Peters, the Deputy Prime Minister and highly intelligent leader of New Zealand First, are themselves part-Maori. Luxon would be better to step back, talk less and listen to them more.

As for the Maori Princess…. Facts are facts. Te Puea, herself  part-European,  a woman  of extraordinary talents,  was  greatly respected during her lifetime  and undoubtedly  worked indefatigably on behalf of her own Tainui people. She was  opposed to  government conscription during the first  World War and dissuaded the Tainui men from volunteering during World War 11. She was known in her youth to be impulsive and exuberant, involved in number of relationships, including one with a European – broken off at an uncle’s  request. Were these a clue to an underlying volatility which may have made her actions as reported above more understandable –  if she thought the country at the time was going in the wrong directions?  But they remain a huge puzzle.

© Amy Brooke

Check out  and join us to help in the fight back against undemocratic governance – and to support this much-needed initiative to control all our political parties.

You can also order my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

It is available through my  BOOKS page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

We need your support – please help us get our  message further out –  see the DONATIONS page  And thank you very much those who have already done so!

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Cleaning out the Augean Stables – Danyl McLauchlan is quite wrong.

This excellent publication, the Australian News Weekly, well deserves the support of thinking New Zealanders. Check out the link above.

As we all well know, education reform is now a long-overdue and huge issue, and National doesn’t have a hope of  trying to reverse the shocking decline in education standards as long as the control of the curriculum and the overseeing of schools –  of education philosophy and practices – lies in the  hands of our Marxist-infiltrated Ministry of Education.

It’s by no means irrelevant that when I was given the books on education to review for the Christchurch Press in the late 80s and 90s, individuals writing of their plans for education “reform”and quite openly describing themselves as Marxist,  later became prominent within the Ministry of Education and its associated bodies. The word bourgeoisie, referring to conservative New Zealanders, was still in play, and their philosophy was to achieve the dumbing down of education in the name of “equity”. The theory was that as some children found school difficult,  standards should be lowered so that brighter, or even more hard-working, children should not have any advantage.

The new mantra they pushed was, “The teacher is not the sage on the stage, but the guide on the side.” Rather than actually teach, teachers should regard themselves as “facilitators”. Rather, they should mainly send children to the web for anything they wanted to learn. Teachers were also encouraged to dump “projects” on children to research and on which to write – to save actually having to teach,  leaving the children to supposedly fact-find for themselves. As far back as 2002, when I was asked to address a conference of primary school principals, they had been instructed by the ministry that knowledge was out –  skills were in. To acquire an important body of knowledge through systematic, thorough teaching was unnecessary as people could always access information that they needed for any subject they wished to learn.

This great madness has persisted and I recall a survey-finding from University of Canterbury first year students asking what they particularly disliked about their time at school. They said there was too much infotainment and they would like to have actually learned far more systematically.

I recall when later writing as a columnist for the then Dominion newspaper, and for Ian Wishart’s INVESTIGATE  magazine,  being contacted by fine teachers and HODS (Heads of Departments) about what the ministry was inflicting on them. They were  writing in professional journals in an effort to combat these wrong directions. Unfortunately, the real battle lay in the mainstream media, where they found it almost impossible to get published.

It is little wonder that so many New Zealand children do not turn up at school, when so much of what takes place there is so very boring, with the lowering of academic standards. Many now arrive at university without even having read a book in their lives! And National’s plan to have children practise writing for an hour a day will achieve absolutely nothing  – if they have not learned the tools of language, the grammar and syntax which also provide the tools of thinking – as George Orwell so rightly pointed out – emphasising that if people are not taught to think, others will be only too happy to do their  thinking for them. And this is certainly what has happened to education in recent years.

Unfortunately,  too, we no longer have a majority of English teachers who are even competent enough to do this, to teach the language consistently and thoroughly – as with teachers of Maths. Genuine education reform would check that these teachers are able to prove their competence in the subjects they are supposed to be teaching. If not, why are we paying them?

However, like most of today’s politicians, they themselves are the products of a thoroughly dumbed-down education system, where the subject that originally taught me to stop, to think and analyse, Latin –  which I regarded as the most valuable of all I studied –  has now, thanks to Chris Hipkins (whose own mother works within the ministry)  been discarded, as part of that ongoing attempt to ensure that education remains a valuable tool for government propaganda. We see its result in our brainwashed MPs and our young, convinced that CO2 is contributing to catastrophic global warming, and that Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, is responsive for the murderous attack by Hamas Palestinians on the country they want to wipe from the face of the earth. This, in spite of Hamas’s butchering of Israeli citizens in its  surprise attack, and the deaths and tortures released hostages have described taking place at their hands.

To ensure a country gets thoroughly dumbed down, to steer our young towards participation in sport –  without any balanced attempt to ensure they also cultivate their minds –  it is necessary to gain control  of the education system. The Marxist-infiltrated Ministry of Education has done just that, leading around by the nose successive ministers from both major political parties This is the greatest needed reform of all. While it may be the government’s job to ensure that all children get an education, it is not the job of the government to supply one. And what a disadvantage is being inflicted on those poor part-Maori children sent to te Reo immersion schools.

A ministry website giving information about its staff offers little prospect for hope. The six people it features as Senior Leaders all use highly politicised terminology referring inaccurately to Aotearoa, rather than our correct name, New Zealand, and introducing themselves in what passes for today’s largely reinvented Maori language. Maori’s original  approximate 2000 words cannot of course cope with providing translations from English, so most of today’s “Maori” has now been made-up, and is basically inauthentic, of no use whatever outside New Zealand. It displaces far more useful languages and important subjects in our schools.  Standards of literacy are also not likely to be assisted by one leader who apparently is not sufficiently competent to realise that ”between my partner and I” is grammatically quite wrong.

And this is the huge challenge….In a country where today’s parents, let alone their children – and apparently, including the majority of our MPs  –  are far less well-educated than their own parents and grandparents, where are those who men and women with fine intellects, able to tackle the massive task ahead?  We undoubtedly still have at least some excellent  teachers. But what should very much concern us is that those genuinely able to identify what has gone wrong are conspicuous by their absence. Least of all can they be found among our “experts”.

© Amy Brooke

Check out  and join us to help in the fight back against undemocratic governance – and to support this much-needed initiative to control all our political parties.

You can also order my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

It is available through my  BOOKS page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

We need your support – please help us get our  message further out –  see the DONATIONS page  And thank you very much those who have already done so!

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How to destroy a democracy…

The 100 Days – Claiming Back New

Deliberately dividing the country?

That we New Zealanders are fast losing our democracy is not only due to the unholy alliance of the Labour coalition. It is also due to the now bribed mainstream media simply touching its forelock and when the government tells it to jump, apparently asking – how high?

The seemingly deliberate attempt to divide the country permanently along racist lines is probably the most important issue facing us all in this coming election – more so fundamentally than the cost of living crisis. Because when we lose a democracy, little by little we lose everything else that maintains a country free and stable – including the right of free speech, and for individuals to hold and voice opinions, without being labelled as racist, or told by some carefully selected gurus that what they are saying is misinformation, disinformation (what on earth is the real difference here?) or not allowed, and punishable.

We would be incredibly naïve not to recognise that the re-labelling of everything in the country in largely now fake – (i.e. recently made-up)  Maori which would have been completely unrecognizable to today’s Maori ancestors – is part of a massive power grab where equal citizenship is to be replaced by granting those identifying as having even a minute percentage of Maori genetic inheritance superior rights over all other New Zealanders.

Starting with the innocuous Kia Ora and the Ngai mihi and the prioritising of our national anthem to be sung first in reinvented “Maori ”, the push is now on with media spokespersons gabbling introductory greetings to the country, and businesses instructing their employees to use Maori terminology –  but, above all, the discourteous and basically insulting removing of the English names for all our public and private institutions,  government departments, street names – whereever English can be relegated to a second obviously inferior language.

National, under its present leader, Christopher Luxon, is missing the boat entirely, basically brushing off the objections he is hearing right around the country to unintelligible Maori titles and intrusive ceremonies designed to prioritise newly invented te reo (how does one even say Nelson City Council in genuine Maori?).  Important as the economy is, Luxon’s answer to about every question – so many of which he does not answer directly, is  that “The focus is – and will remain – on leading a stable National government that will rebuild the economy, reduce the cost of living, restore law and order and deliver better health and education for all New Zealanders.”  Boasting about himself learning te reo – is quietly regarded by many New Zealanders as an utter waste of time, given that it is not spoken anywhere else in the world, and that there are so much more important languages that should be on offer in our schools – and given that very little of the original Maori language is left – with by far the majority of what is now pushed as Maori utterly reinvented to try to find an equivalence with the  172,000 English words in common use – compared  to the approximately 1900 words  in genuine Maori, recorded by the missionaries.

 It doesn’t take much mathematical ability to work out how much supposed Maori vocabulary and terminology today is completely inauthentic – as with Te Tari Raake – which of course instantly springs to all our minds as the Inland Revenue Department…

Given that David Seymour is also given to sprinkling Maori words through his public utterances, and that although ACT’s policies regarding the prioritizing of Maori are on the whole considerably better than National’s, it seems that only New Zealand First has a genuine understanding of what the consequences of relegating English to second place really are – and the importance of this issue. And although Winston Peter’s previous choice to align himself with Labour very strongly counts against him, in the eyes of many, some regard this as having been an inevitable choice, given the animosity shown towards him by a handful of National party members at the time. There is also little doubt that he acted somewhat as brake on Jacinda Ardern’s ideological excesses. It is highly probable that New Zealand First’s performance in this coming election is going to be of considerable importance.

However, it is little wonder that more and more New Zealanders are now beginning to boycott our mainstream media, given television’s dutifully echoing of government propaganda in prioritizing supposed Maori interests. We could well extend that boycott to all those organisation which keep substituting the fake Aotearoa for our country’s real name –  and let them know why.

Moreover, we have online political commentator Thomas Cranmer to thank for revealing how much the government has been manipulating news narratives, paying TVNZ and Stuff to produce one-sided, highly propagandized accounts favouring the ridiculous demonizing of CO2 and setting up a “special partnership” relating to climate change – increasingly largely recognized as not only not a man-made disaster scenario, but an only too handy tool for government to use to tax and control its citizens.   

While China and India rely more and more on fossil fuels, the propagandized West is facing energy crises and buying into prohibitively expensive and unreliable “green energy- as Peter Westmore illustrates below, in the excellent Australia journal New Weekly.

“For over 20 years the European Union and European governments have pursued an ambitious plan to decarbonise the European economies, replacing fossil fuels with renewables (wind and solar), and ending the use of coal for power generation. Coal has underpinned Europe’s economic growth over the past two centuries. The dream was a clean, green economy based on limitless supplies of cheap renewable energy, based on wind and solar. After 20 years of heavy government subsidies for wind and solar farms, the harsh reality is beginning to bite: intermittent energy sources are both expensive and unreliable, and require very substantial overinvestment…

Peter Westmore.

It is time indeed to refuse to support media outlets such as Stuff which continues to refuse to publish articles from well-respected scientists challenging disastrous scenarios. And to those readers who consider that a  politician’s principles and values in relation to the important moral issues of the day are also important, the website below makes very interesting and relevant, even if dismaying reading.

© Amy Brooke

Check out  and join us to help in the fight back against our undemocratic government – and to support this much-needed initiative to control all our political parties.

You can also order my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

It is available through my  BOOKS page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

We need your support – please help us get our  message further out –  see the DONATIONS page  And thank you very much those who have already done so!

It is also very important to LIKE or SHARE  us at –

Amy Brooke

Visit my homepage and best books website:

In it for whom? Labour is mocking New Zealand with its absurd new slogan

Anyone who seriously thinks that this Labour government is “in it”  for anyone else but themselves – and very obviously for a very small minority of obsessive part-Maori extremists  – by no means speaking for the majority of part-Maori descent – would have to be utterly naïve.

This government is on target to wreck New Zealand’s democracy by promoting what is called co-governance, but which in reality would be handing New Zealand over to the control of a very few, powerful tribal corporations, intent on gaining for themselves both power and financial advantages over all other New Zealanders, no matter what their ethnic backgrounds.

This game of rent-seeking politics by quasi-tribal leaders has been played for too long, using the card of identity politics. The result has been the corruption of recent governments promised the non-existent “Maori vote” – basically insulting to those with some Maori genetic inheritance, as if they are incapable of voting according to individual preference.

Chris Hipkins’s government, faithful to Jacinda Ardern’s attempts to limit free speech, the essential foundation of any democracy, continues to beaver away wresting control of this country from its citizens by attempting to imposing more limitations on our freedoms.

If this government is not thrown out in the coming election, we will undoubtedly have more and more restrictions on how and where we live our lives; what we say; what we may think; how and where we travel.  Watch for the virtual coralling of people into fifteen minute cities, as is now happening overseas and being planned here – as ominous a restriction on freedom as has ever been imposed in a democracy.

Meanwhile this pernicious government continues to promote a fantasy-land of a majority travelling on bikes because of the supposed deleterious effects of CO2 – which top scientists rule out as the cause of any recycling warming, cooling, and extreme weather events, while the long corrupt United Nations fans the scaremongering with its “global boiling” nonsense.  This deliberate move is a part of the over-reach from these well-funded organisations to ultimately take over the individual sovereignty of Western countries, like ours.

But see –

Moreover, our well-bribed mainstream media, now shamefully hand-in-glove with this far-Left government, will not bite the hand that feeds it. Genuine investigative reporting now belongs only back in the past, to the far more free country that our parents and grandparents knew. Furthermore, not  only have Labour shown themselves incompetent at managing the economy, or coping with the rising rate of crime – and markedly failing to imprison those obviously dangerous to others – their sneaky moves to introduce a government Regulator to interfere on social media and traditional media platforms, while proposing to provide for part-Maori to speak without the limitations imposed on others – and in fact to provide a measure of regulating all others – is almost incredible.

And what of their renaming all government departments and institutions in largely fake Maori (how does one say Department of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Social Welfare,  etc.  in genuine Maori?) is  not only insulting to those approximately 96% of New Zealanders who do not speak the same fake Maori) but is also apparently a deliberate attempt to discourage New Zealanders from understanding exactly what is going on…

Each step towards totalitarian control of this country now needs a push-back far too long neglected. That old saying of – “Give the devil an inch and he takes a mile…”is worth reflection. And that there is actual badness abroad in this attack on our freedoms and traditional values is well overdue for recognition.

It’s now being advocated that it’s time to boycott those organisations and media substituting the inauthentic Aotearoa for the genuine name for our country, and to politely request those often well-meaning individuals who Kai ora and Nga mihi us to address us in English – our most important national and international language – rather than dutifully following the dead-end lane of political correctness.

We are more than at the crossroads in this country – and any political party which does not strongly oppose co-governance – and is not committed to supporting the renaming of all the institutions as they were, and should be,  in English – does not deserve our vote.

Amy Brooke

Check out  and join us to help in the fight back against our undemocratic government – and to support this much-needed initiative to control all our political parties.

You can also order my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

It is available through my  BOOKS page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

We need your support – please help us get our  message further out –  see the DONATIONS page 

And thank you very much those who have already done so!

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The most important movement in New Zealand today

The 100 Days Claiming Back New

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In fact it is the most important movement in New Zealand today.

For the reasons given below, we need financial support.

 Donation details are there on our website at:

Cognos Ltd 100 Days – 03 1355 063124400

Given the sheer corruption within our political system, and that the worst government we have ever had in this country is working to destroy our democracy with the implementation of racist and divisive policies, New Zealanders are increasingly asking for whom they should vote.It is more than obvious that Jacinda Ardern’s coalition must be voted out, or we will well and truly have passed the turning point of no return.

However, a Luxon-dominated National government is going to do very little to reverse this. With his silencing of Simon O’Connor, the message goes out that Luxon does not believe in allowing any independently-minded and articulate MPs the freedom to speak as individuals. The repressive and anachronistic system of party politics is designed to silence dissent, and gag intelligent individuals unhappy with policy established by the party hierarchy – both within Parliament and its over ruling bureaucrats.

Those who remember the damage caused by John Key sneaking Pita Sharples off to New York to sign The Declaration On the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – a useful tool which Ardern  is using to justify much of her basically apartheid policies –  do not forgive Key for his duplicity, and worse. This Prime Minister, known for basically ruling the National Party, and keen to change our flag with its Union Jack emblem,  must have known that Maoris were not indigenous to New Zealand, and can even recite the names of the canoes that bought them. Like our colonist forbears (from which the majority of today’s part-Maori also descend) they were simply earlier immigrants.

New Zealanders are also aware that the claims to take ownership of our coastline from all New Zealanders – now lodged against every inch of our foreshore and seabed – are due to John Key and Chris Finlayson, who claimed this would never happen. Moreover, it is taxpayers who are being forced to finance these claims. Even the leftist, equally dominating Helen Clark would not support this move. And the marked deterioration in teaching standards and our extensively dumbed-down schools curriculum have not been addressed by the National Party, with its successive Ministers of Education led by the nose by the ministry.  Long controlled by neo-Marxists, many of whom have boasted of their allegiance, they have utilised Lenin’s well-meaning, “useful fools” from within the system. We are all now well aware that, in fact, none of our political parties can be trusted.

 Given a far-Left Prime Minister whose modus operandi is that of deliberately promoting divisiveness and dissent, determinedly granting superior advantages and rights to those of part-Maori descent, inevitably we have become an ethno-state – a country now divided by apartheid-type policies. It would be hard to disagree with those who view such an individual as basically Communist – waging virtual war against our democracy. The pity of it is that our under-educated young New Zealanders, and even their parents, long having had the study of history removed from the school curriculum (Chris Hipkins, whose mother reportedly works within the Ministry, has made things even worse) probably have no real appreciation of how the totalitarian tactics employed by Communists are directed towards the subjugation of the populace, limiting or penalising free speech, and vilifying those brave enough to oppose them.

Fire and Fury, the recent disgraceful pseudo-documentary presented by two reporters who should be ashamed of themselves, is a good example of shockingly biased reporting. Yes, there are undoubtedly individuals who are potentially violent, abusive, infiltrate other peaceful movements, and recommend taking physical action against government members – which is completely unacceptable to the majority of New Zealanders. And they infiltrated the great protest in Parliament grounds where decent, law-abiding individuals came in unprecedented numbers to voice their understandable and deep concern about what is happening to this country under Jacinda Ardern’s government.

 The result was her, and most of our supposed representatives‘refusal to meet. Moreover, Trevor Mallard, regarded as Parliament’s worst speaker ever – and in the view of many, using bullying tactics – disgracefully sprayed them with water – including families and children – and played loud music at them. A favourite of Ardern’s, formerly photographed carrying around her child, he appears to have been rewarded with a diplomatic post overseas – to the anger of many New Zealanders – in spite of having no qualifications for this role.

Moreover, the great truck convoy with thousands of trucks covering the whole of New Zealand – another well-justified and unprecedented protest – elicited an inexcusable, untruthful and dismissive response from James Shaw, head of the fanatical Greens, describing them as “a group of Pakeha farmers from down south.”

The Fire and Fury duo pretty well revealed their affinity with Ardern’s far-Left policies, by lumping together so many decent, brave and troubled individuals at this Parliamentary protest describing them as far Right – and, wait for it “conspiracy theorists”.

How ironic, given that the threat to New Zealand’s democracy is undoubtedly coming from the extreme Left, led by our duplicitous Prime Minister. The naming and shaming these reporters embarked on has basically boomeranged back onto them.

What are we to do? This is the question people are asking everywhere…who to vote for, with every established party – with the exception of the New Conservatives – (ignored by our government-bribed media) – favouring policies distasteful to family people. ACT, far more than National,  is facing up to what is happening to the country, but its leader’s strongly pro-death policy when it comes to protecting the rights of unborn children, and his backing the slippery slope of euthanasia, planned killing, turns many aside. The New Conservatives deserves the support of wealthy individuals who could help them  get their message across and more effectively strategise.

The answer, however , to so many New Zealanders’ concerns about for whom to vote, is that it is time to look elsewhere, rather than continue to support our tightly controlled, major political parties consistently letting us down and promising what they do not perform. To restore our country to a genuine democracy we need look no further than to the clever Swiss people, who so effectively control their own governments that their MPs are merely part-time, most holding down other professional or trades jobs – and their government refers to the people as “sovereign”. Switzerland is now the only genuine democracy in the world, and what the Swiss people fought for, and won, we New Zealanders can also achieve. It will not be a movement favoured by politicians who are never keen to hand over the reins of power. But when enough New Zealanders support us to achieve a tipping point, Parliament will have to listen – in the same way as the Swiss effectively pressured their own government.

This is the aim of our 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand now well-established movement. Please check it out at . It evolved as a result of several years’ debate at our annual Summer Sounds Symposium bringing people together from right across the political spectrum to debate and provide input into the issues of the day. See

To get its message further has been difficult, because the anti-conservative Facebook consistently turns down every financially-backed promotion on which we embark to enable our message to spread out across New Zealand.

And of course, advertising pays. It reaches people – as adman John Ansell’s brilliant IWI/KIWI billboard did. However ironically, it was not Helen Clark’s Labour Party who handed potential possession of all our beaches, foreshores and mineral rights to part-Maori, but National. Why would you ever trust National again, given its chequered record? Yet it is understandably seen by many as the lesser of two evils,  given the urgent necessity to remove Jacinda Ardern’s government from office. No wonder New Zealanders are becoming increasingly depressed, with so many now planning to leave this beleaguered country.

The 100 Days –  Claiming Back New Zealand movement is our best and very achievable opportunity to at last enable New Zealanders to control our politicians so that it is we ourselves who make the best decisions for our country. We are more than grateful to those who have already so generously donated. But we need enough financial support to raise money for effective advertising –  given that Facebook is determinedly blocking our promotions.

Ultimately, everything depends on individuals, on each of us making a stand against this government’s insidious attacks on free speech, threatening individuals with “hate crimes” to intimidate and deter others from sticking out speaking out. A strategy to establish a climate of fear – worse still, disgracefully involving the police – is unfortunately working – but it should be recognised for what it is – bullying the public.

National needs to shape up far more intelligently to target the issues undermining democracy, its present leader apparently not up to the task. National is apparently not good at electing leaders, especially those backed by their past leaders, and many now think that it is time for a change to be made, as, at present, the thnking is that the election may be Luxon’s to lose.

Party politics themselves have become almost a form of minor totalitarianism, with party leaders, backed by their own unelected  party establishment, cracking the whip to virtually force MPs into line.

What is obvious is that it is time for our now thoroughly unrepresentative MPs – many even not even voted into parliament by New Zealanders, but achieving ministerial positions from which they have implemented highly destructive policies – to be challenged.

The most practical and achievable way of doing this is through

It is also very important to LIKE or SHARE  us at –

Please support us to claim back our once-democracy. It can be done. We just need to reach enough New Zealanders to let them know.

Thank you!

© Amy Brooke

No, Jacinda – we are not Aotearoa.

To all National Party members:

An excellent letter (read from the bottom up) has raised questions to which by now the majority of New Zealanders want answers.

What are you going to do about the fact that:
 a) Jacinda Ardern, all her government departments   and our disgracefully bribed mainstream media are trying  to force a name-change on this country, without any consultation whatsoever with New Zealanders.

 Ardern was using  the inauthentic Aotearoa when she was recently Hollywooding  overseas.

But none of you have publicly challenged her?

b) Is this party going to face up to this issue,  and publicly tackle her about trying to change our name – which a succession of polls has shown that New Zealanders overwhelmingly reject?

c)  Does National and its also apparently autocratic leader, Chris Luxon, intend to challenge the government about the renaming of all our government institutions in supposed Maori so that what they actually do has become incomprehensible to most New Zealanders?

The majority are utterly fed up with this – but National are well and truly letting us down.

d)  Does this party intend to tackle these challenges of, basically,  an assertion of  Maori superiority which many New Zealanders are now finding culturally offensive?

I would like an answer to these questions – as would so many other New Zealanders.

Amy Brooke
As sent – see the attachment below as I received it.-

“Look at Waiwere Falls notice first. Then you will understand where this guy is coming from.

 “Foreign language Safety notice

“This is a disgrace to all New Zealanders. Talk about give the Maori an inch and they take mile, goes without saying.”

(Please note – this is not the fault of the majority  of part-Maori descent, but of the small minority of activist extremists whom Ardern is obviously encouraging. It will continue  until enough New Zealanders strongly and publicly object -including t our local city councils across the country, prioritizing all greetings in Maori, rather than English.  Amy Brooke. )

       ” HI.  FYI. 

        My son was hiking in the Waiwere Falls region between Te Aroha and 
Matamata yesterday. 

        The following letter that he has sent is self-explanatory and worthy 
of taking your time to read. If ever you had any doubts about the apartheid 
intentions of the current government, read on and take the time to open the 
attached photo. 

        To me, this “Maori language-only” safety warning is a step too far! 

        Dear Sirs  

        A) DOC Relations manager 

        b) Worksafe NZ relations and safety manager 

        c) MP For Hauraki region N Mahuta 

        d) Coromandel MP  S Simpson 

 cc Casey Costello – NZ Ratepayers association 

 Bcc- “Various stakeholders” 

  Regarding an urgency sign at Waiwere Falls on the 2nd July 2022 

        As a matter of urgency could the issue of safety notices for public 
understanding posted at the start of major national hiking trail(s) be 
reviewed and then come back with a clear explanation to the following 
questions at your earliest (regarding the attached image)- 

         Could you please – 

        1) explain/translate what the following attached caution sign is 

        2) Explain why it is solely presented in a foreign format (no other 
language version was presented at, on or in the surrounds) 

        3) Why isn`t an appropriate English sign, and if required for track 
users, Hindi, Chinese, Korean, Samoan, Fijian, Japanese, etc. translations 
be provided? 

        4) Remind me who is paying for these signs 

        5) What action Worksafe NZ will be taking to stop this deliberate 
exclusion of people to safety information 

        5) When this issue will be permanently resolved by DOC as 
presumably, it is a matter of urgent safety to visitors? 

        6) What the local and neighbouring MP has to say about this 

 A concerned NZ-born, tax-paying Citizen, who would like to 
understand if they are in danger on national trails, in their own country, 
who speaks the predominant, national, English language only. 

        Waiwere falls danger notice in foreign language July 22.jpg 

 Let’s leave the word “aotearoa back in Stephenson Percy Smith’s 
story book where it belongs. 
There has only ever been one name that encompassed all the land mass, 
foreshore and seabed that today is known as New Zealand – and that is “New 
The name of our fabulous country has been known as New Zealand for 379 years 
 The word “aotearoa” has only been around for 130 years.  An Englishman, 
Stephenson Percy Smith made it up for his fictional story about Kupe and wanted a

maori sounding word that he could use to name this land in his story. 
The maori were tribal orientated, so collectively, they never ever had a 
name that encompassed all the land mass and seabed that is currently known 
as “New Zealand”. 
Secondly, maori never ever heard the word aotearoa until sometime after 1890 

So, New Zealanders …

Be proud!

        Stand up!         

 Speak up!   
 Keep “New Zealand” as the only name of our beautiful country where many 
cultures and races live. 
and …Leave the word “aotearoa” back in Stephenson Percy Smith’s story 
book where it belongs 

 This issue needs to be addressed: If you agree with what you have read, 
please, please forward it on to family, friends, colleagues etc.

Spread the word …”


Please oppose Jacinda Ardern’s fascist move to rename our country – and forward this important petition. Thank you:)

New Zealand, NOT Aotearoa

The official name of our nation, New Zealand, is a vital and important part of our nation’s collective history and culture. But our public servants, apparently under the instruction of Jacinda Ardern and Nanaia Mahuta, are now calling our nation Aotearoa or the ugly and clunky Aotearoa-New Zealand. Aotearoa is now used on official documents including our passports. This is an outrage. Such an important matter, the renaming of our nation, should only be made with our willing consent.

What you need to know:

  • Dutch explorer Abel Tasman named our islands New Zealand in 1642
    • Maori adopted this name, Nu Tirani, the name used in the Treaty of Waitangi
    • The name Aotearoa first appeared in writing as a Maori name for New Zealand in 1855
    • New Zealand, translated from the Dutch “new sea-land”, is a beautiful and appropriate name for our islands.
  • renaming our nation as Aotearoa or Aotearoa-New Zealand would be damaging to our international reputation and extremely expensive:
    • Aotearoa would baffle non-New Zealanders who would have no idea of what or where this new place is – this would remain a problem for decades
    • we have collectively spent hundreds of millions of dollars in creating our New Zealand brand, which would be destroyed if we became Aotearoa or Aotearoa-New Zealand
    • the six syllable Aotearoa is cumbersome and difficult for non-Maori speakers to pronounce – this cannot be easily overcome.

What you can do:

We must fight to preserve our cultural heritage: Jacinda Ardern and Nanaia Mahuta have no authority to change the name of our nation by stealth.

Please sign our petition below demanding that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern publicly affirm New Zealand as the name of our country, and forward this petition to your friends, family and colleagues.

A majority of New Zealanders strongly oppose changing the name of our country – we must speak up.

Thank you,
on behalf of Hobson’s Pledge

Don Brash and Casey Costello

55,832 signatures

We, the undersigned citizens of New Zealand, demand that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern publicly affirms that the official name of our nation is New Zealand, not Aotearoa-New Zealand, or Aotearoa, and instructs all government departments to use the current official name only, which means on New Zealand passports and in all communications where the name of New Zealand appears.

Will you sign?

First Name Last Name Email

AotearoaNew Zealand NOT AotearoaAbel Tasmanculture

Like this to spread the word:

Hobson’s Pledge Trust

Sign in with Facebook, Twitter or email.

Created with NationBuilder
using a public theme by cStreet

Why are our MPs such patsies?

 The 100 Days – Claiming Back New

Given that we are a country in decline, it is time for our political party leaders to be told they are not born to rule, and need to recognize that individual members are adults and should be treated as such – to exercise their own judgment.

In fact we are well overdue to challenge our political parties in relation to the way they override individual MPs’ conscience votes. We would do far better to operate as the Tories do in Britain – where party dissent provides vigorous debate and a far more in-depth analysis of issues. For example, the recent challenges to Boris Johnson not only over party-gate, but over other issues of policy.

Meanwhile, Jacinda Arden is basking in photo opportunities overseas in relation to the signing of trade negotiations that were started well before her time in office, taking years to be settled – as each of the 27 member countries in the EU had to be reached and negotiated with separately. Moreover, the meat and dairy industries are very disappointed with the outcome of the free trade deal struck between New Zealand and the European Union, saying it falls far below their expectations. Some argue New Zealand should have walked away.

However,  one issue with which New Zealanders should be challenging Ardern is her constant referring to our country while she has been overseas as Aotearoa New Zealand. She has a nerve. She has not consulted with, nor been given permission by New Zealanders to change the internationally known name of this country. Nor was Aotearoa even the original Maori equivalent for our correct name.

Her behaviour is essentially fascist, with every government department now compromised, and our arguably corrupt mainstream media now touching its collective forelock, and substituting Aotearoa as well as unintelligible te reo terms for the language we all speak   – the most valued one in the world.

What has gone wrong with the rest of our parliamentarians? Who from Labour National, or ACT is objecting to this hijacking of our correct name? Why are questions not being asked in the House about what right Ardern has to hijack our country’s name, without consulting New Zealanders- who in fact have overwhelmingly rejected the use of Aotearoa…

 Not a squeak from Christopher Luxon,  who continues to disappoint with a lacklustre performance –  an undertaking to reverse The Three Waters power grab  but with apparently no comprehension that so many of the racist   provisions that both National and Labour  instituted over the years now need to be reversed. No country can succeed which divides its citizens along racial lines as a priority.                      

We have in fact an intellectually substandard political system when a determined leader such as a Helen Clark or a John Key can dominate and control party policy. This is far from healthy, and equally as bad is the mainstream media immediately pouncing on any signs that a party such as National, for example, may have members challenging its leadership, or openly debating or disagreeing on issues of policy. With its persistent mischief-making,  our media invariably try to promote this as an example of undesirable signs of instability within that particular party. It is in fact this is exactly what should be happening, that intelligent – and very often obviously far from genuinely intelligent   – men and women should come together to debate issues. To aim for a party to be controlled by its hierarchy is not only undesirable – it is an attack on free speech. Key was known to rule National, and caused a great deal of damage to the country. And while potential votes have been transferred from the Labour coalition –  so desperate are many New Zealanders to get rid of Ardern’s government – disappointment is now constantly voiced about the National leader’s substandard performance – and the way he is conducting himself. Luxon is apparently trying to run the National party as if he is the CEO of a corporation, with its members his employees. Moreover, equally disgraceful is the capitulation of grown men and women to being ordered about as if they are children – and unable to hold and defend their own intellectual positions.

Luxon’s pressure on Simon O’Connor to take down his sign of support for the US Supreme Court decision on Roe V Wade was viewed by many as essentially bullying. It was all very well to claim that O’Connor’s position  was not that of the National party. Nobody would have thought it was, so this was irrelevant. Nor was it to Simon O’Connor’s credit, after recently hollywooding on the importance of free speech, that he caved in and he did what he was told, essentially disappointing those who expect better things from him.

Where are the National party members with a spine? Ironically, too, while Luxon was busy virtue-signalling by “empathising” with the distress of those women who would no longer be able, as a constitutional right (which of course it never was) to have put to death an unborn son, or daughter, ACT’s pro-death David Seymour and Jacinda Ardern’s mouthpiece, Clarke Gayford, were only too anxious to slam this important pro-life decision – with Gayford’s wonderfully original, “That’s one small step for supreme court justices. One giant leap backwards for womankind.”

The greatest number of deaths now worldwide are from abortion, estimated at 73 million annually,  while many Western countries are now dangerously below the level at which the birthrate needs to be maintained to keep a country economically viable .

It will be not enough to see the this disastrous Labour coalition thrown  out next election if National, under the inappropriately dominating and under-performing Luxon,  can’t pull up its socks and produce a better more comprehensive set of policies to attack this racist malaise which is  an affliction on us all, both part-Maori and the majority of New Zealanders. It is failing too, intellectually, by endorsing the complete untruth of a climate change emergency which is serving Ardern so well.

And while Christopher Luxon is bragging about learning this now largely artificial language,  te reo – (why would one bother?) he may be interested in James Allan’s recent Spectator column summarizing his shock at what he encountered when returning recently to New Zealand – and the attack on English, and on our country, spearheaded by Ardern.  – New Zealand’s spiral downwards into irrationality.

It is well worth supporting The Australian Spectator for a far more comprehensive overview of what is happening  in, and to, this country we are losing.

The silence of our MSM is deafening…

© Amy Brooke

Check out  and join us to help in the fight back against our undemocratic government – and to support this much-needed initiative to control all our political parties.

You can also order my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

It is available through my  BOOKS page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

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Amy Brooke

Visit my homepage and children’s literature website:

© Amy Brooke

Check out  and join us to help in the fight back against our undemocratic government – and to support this much-needed initiative to control all our political parties.

You can also order my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

It is available through my  BOOKS page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

We need your support – please help us get our  message further out –  see the DONATIONS page 

And thank you very much those who have already done so!

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Amy Brooke

Visit my homepage and children’s literature website:


What do Jacinda Ardern, Joe Biden, and Anthony Albanese have in common?

 The 100 Days – Claiming Back New

The short answer is that they are all apparently intent on ruining their country.

With Australia’s new Labor government replacing a supposedly conservative Liberal party which lost respect with leader Scott Morrison’s under-performance, Jacinda Ardern has a new hard-Left fellow traveller with whom to liaise. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is on target, as The Spectator Australia editor Rowan Dean has pointed out, to “likely transform itself into a mixture of modern New Zealand and Argentina, nations shackled by debt and welfarism, strangled by red and green tape and stifled from expressing democratic dissent.”

He is  right on target when adding, “We have only to look to New Zealand to see the extraordinary damage being done by an avowed left-wing government obsessed with identity and race politics and, of course, climate change. Once former International Socialist Leader Jacinda Ardern and her government achieved power in their own right, she dramatically accelerated her turbo-drive towards socialism.” 

 With Joe Biden’s mental competence seriously in question, the Democratic Party in the US is finding his plummeting poll ratings an embarrassment. His on-going destruction of the American economy;  his lack of action with regard to  establishing border controls viewed as a national security threat; and his extraordinary reluctance to take any tangible action to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state have seen his government  sitting idly by while Iran’s ruling mullahs advance their nuclear programme.  The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) has recently revealed that Iran now has enough enriched uranium to build a nuclear bomb.

And yet our mainstream media – which devoted itself to daily demonizing Donald Trump – has consistently failed to make any reference to the damage this probably worst President in American history is causing to the US, and contributing to its loss of status worldwide. Moreover, our media have infamously failed to report on the scandal involving Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and the Federal Investigation into his business dealings – obligingly dismissed by much of the US media – with our own mainstream media obligingly oblivious.

Birds of a feather? Biden’s lavish praise of Ardern is itself an indictment. The Australian Labor Party’s climate change policies will, as the Spectator editorial notes, “ruin many a small business, hurt families and the vulnerable, and threaten manufacturing and enterprise…as has happened in Europe and the United Kingdom.”

Our own unholy coalition of Labour, James Shaw’s apparently fanatical and ignorant Greens, and a Maori Party determined to turn this country into an ethno-state, basically dominated by power-hungry and racially obsessed iwi, has our once-democracy under all-out attack.  As The Spectator notes “The shocking speed with which the New Zealand Labour government has created two classes of citizens based on genetics and elevated iwi rights about others, will be the blueprint for Labor“ {across the Tasman} and “the impetus for a push towards any number of new institutions, bureaucracies and laws which will do plenty to enrich the activist classes, but absolutely nothing to help real Australian aborigines in remote townships achieve economic independence. “

 The parallel with the largely squandered, multi-million dollar payouts to part-Maori hierarchies in this country is obvious. And Rowan Dean’s timely reminder about Scott Morrison’s government failure to realise is that “if you don’t actively fight the culture wars and support conservative values to the hilt, you have already surrendered every issue to the Left”.

At the heart of the leftist damage undermining our own country is the ridiculously alarmist and non-existent “climate crisis” also criminally being used to terrorise schoolchildren, although, despite what the activists are saying (using computer – only models) the science itself tells us that climate is, as always, relatively stable, reliably unreliable, and very changeable. To call carbon dioxide a pollutant is fraudulent… Moreover there has not been any appreciable warming for the last 15 years and 2020 was reportedly the coolest in the last ten years.

However the infiltration of the Green’s radical activists into our schools is producing a desperately worried younger generation denied the core competencies of writing, reading, calculating and critical thinking, with no knowledge of what is owed to Western civilization – nor of the brutalities of previous communist and socialist regimes. New Zealand children have become so very easily propagandized.

All credit then to Heather du Plessis-Allan, now dissenting from the apparently brainwashed media. “The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that we are being incredibly naive and frankly stupid in forcing farmers to pay for climate emissions. Or in fact, forcing anyone in this country to pay for climate emissions. “

Meanwhile the new hard-Left Labor government in Australia is now calling upon Australia’s remaining coal-fired power stations, begging them to charge themselves up to full capacity, given a serious market shortage, just as freezing conditions have hit.  It has been hailed as a particularly brazen move, this new government demanding that the work be fast-tracked and that “they must “get moving on fixing their plants right now.” Ironically, these are the same coal plants that Labor promised the Australian people they would close down as soon as possible while branding the Liberal Party “coal killers” and “fossil fools”.

A useful corrective to Jacinda Arden’s breathtakingly hypocritical, recent address at Harvard University about the importance of democracy, of freedom of speech and debate, is to reflect on the money her government has paid to the mainstream media, provided they do not criticise her policies with regard to the fabricated claim that the Treaty of Waitangi is about co-governorship. We can also recall, together with so much else,   that Local Government (LGNZ) – the national body meant to promote the interests of councils and their residents – signed an agreement with the Government that prevents it from criticizing Three Waters.

But then, “A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.”

© Amy Brooke

Check out  and join us to help in the fight back against our undemocratic government – and to support this much-needed initiative to control all our political parties.

You can also order my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

It is available through my  BOOKS page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

We need your support – please help us get our  message further out –  see the DONATIONS page 

And thank you very much those who have already done so!

It is also very important to LIKE or SHARE  us at –


Amy Brooke
Visit my homepage and children's literature website:

The attack on New Zealanders’Sovereignty

Where is the evidence that National and ACT are making a strong stance against this attack on New Zealanders’ sovereignty of our own country?
And why have the media been so very derelict in not alerting New Zealanders to the implications of what is actually happening?

Reportedly, the seventy-fifth World Health Assembly (WHA75) is taking place in Geneva right now (22 to 28 May 2022) and we have a representative  over there signing it now.
It has been noted that “the timing of the trip to USA was the perfect smokescreen for it. The media are full of this and nobody will notice any other activities going on.”

For example, “Permanent lockdowns, etc.  by the new WHO rules, which will be International Law. NZ  is a signatory.”

This recent article is by Bill Muehlenberg  – at

A brave new world biosecurity state is now upon us

And see –

It has long been obvious  that the United Nations and its spin-off organisations are basically anti-the West. So why are our politicians so very anxious to endorse the edicts that this organisation keeps inflicting on us   – such as UNDRIP – the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples?John Key utterly inexcusably concealed from us all the fact that he was sending Pita Sharples off to the UN to sign it.

How very underhand of him.  But why?

 Key must well  have known that New Zealand has no indigenous peoples, so this was utterly inappropriate  – and basically UNDRIP  should carry no weight whatsoever in this country.  However, it has provided a wonderful excuse for Jacinda Ardern’s racist government  to produce He Puapua, with all its divisive plans to split New Zealand along racial lines, leading to our increasing destabilising. And, of course, they want to abolish our country’s real name.

Again, why?

And now, from the  WHO, another  attack on our national sovereignty is underway. And what is National doing about it? Apparently nothing.

Christopher Luxon, John Key’s protégé , increasingly viewed as a damp squib, shows very little comprehension of the attack on New Zealand as an independent democracy with equal treatment for all citizens – regardless of colour, gender, race, or creed. Nor does he seem to have not the slightest comprehension that the Maori supremacy move is under way  – by no means backed by a majority of part-Maori, but by a small cohort of part-Maori extremists apparently obsessed by one part-only of their genetic inheritance.

Planned policies which divide New Zealand internally – and those  which try to lock  us in to a globalist agenda – i.e.  domination by autocratic individuals antipathetic to the Wes,t and to our independence   – should be shunned by our governments.

However, quite shockingly,   not only have we witnessed the continual subservience by those who should be representing us to powerful interests. They have endorsed these rulings without making any attempt to refer these  decisions back to New Zealanders.

It is time indeed to claim back this country – and it can be done!

As our governments have become far too autocratic, signing international treaties without referring first referring them back to New Zealanders, we need a constitutional change where any such proposal, or in fact any legislation passed by government, needs to wait for a period of three months – 100 Days –  as happens in Switzerland, for the Swiss  people themselves to either accept it, or to challenge it by a binding Facultative Referendum.

It is past time for we ourselves to insist on the same  – rather than to be continually shut out of the decision-making our derelict political parties are making  on our behalf – decisions deeply damaging to his country.

New Zealanders’ freedoms and democratic rights are little by little being whittled away.
Check out  and join us to help in the fight back against our undemocratic government – and to support this much-needed initiative  to control all our political parties.

You can also order my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

It is available through my home page and children’s literature website BOOKS page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

We need your support – please help us get our  message further out –  see the DONATIONS page 

And thank you very much those who have already done so!

It is also very important to LIKE or SHARE  us at –