Cleaning out the Augean Stables – Danyl McLauchlan is quite wrong.

This excellent publication, the Australian News Weekly, well deserves the support of thinking New Zealanders. Check out the link above.

As we all well know, education reform is now a long-overdue and huge issue, and National doesn’t have a hope of  trying to reverse the shocking decline in education standards as long as the control of the curriculum and the overseeing of schools –  of education philosophy and practices – lies in the  hands of our Marxist-infiltrated Ministry of Education.

It’s by no means irrelevant that when I was given the books on education to review for the Christchurch Press in the late 80s and 90s, individuals writing of their plans for education “reform”and quite openly describing themselves as Marxist,  later became prominent within the Ministry of Education and its associated bodies. The word bourgeoisie, referring to conservative New Zealanders, was still in play, and their philosophy was to achieve the dumbing down of education in the name of “equity”. The theory was that as some children found school difficult,  standards should be lowered so that brighter, or even more hard-working, children should not have any advantage.

The new mantra they pushed was, “The teacher is not the sage on the stage, but the guide on the side.” Rather than actually teach, teachers should regard themselves as “facilitators”. Rather, they should mainly send children to the web for anything they wanted to learn. Teachers were also encouraged to dump “projects” on children to research and on which to write – to save actually having to teach,  leaving the children to supposedly fact-find for themselves. As far back as 2002, when I was asked to address a conference of primary school principals, they had been instructed by the ministry that knowledge was out –  skills were in. To acquire an important body of knowledge through systematic, thorough teaching was unnecessary as people could always access information that they needed for any subject they wished to learn.

This great madness has persisted and I recall a survey-finding from University of Canterbury first year students asking what they particularly disliked about their time at school. They said there was too much infotainment and they would like to have actually learned far more systematically.

I recall when later writing as a columnist for the then Dominion newspaper, and for Ian Wishart’s INVESTIGATE  magazine,  being contacted by fine teachers and HODS (Heads of Departments) about what the ministry was inflicting on them. They were  writing in professional journals in an effort to combat these wrong directions. Unfortunately, the real battle lay in the mainstream media, where they found it almost impossible to get published.

It is little wonder that so many New Zealand children do not turn up at school, when so much of what takes place there is so very boring, with the lowering of academic standards. Many now arrive at university without even having read a book in their lives! And National’s plan to have children practise writing for an hour a day will achieve absolutely nothing  – if they have not learned the tools of language, the grammar and syntax which also provide the tools of thinking – as George Orwell so rightly pointed out – emphasising that if people are not taught to think, others will be only too happy to do their  thinking for them. And this is certainly what has happened to education in recent years.

Unfortunately,  too, we no longer have a majority of English teachers who are even competent enough to do this, to teach the language consistently and thoroughly – as with teachers of Maths. Genuine education reform would check that these teachers are able to prove their competence in the subjects they are supposed to be teaching. If not, why are we paying them?

However, like most of today’s politicians, they themselves are the products of a thoroughly dumbed-down education system, where the subject that originally taught me to stop, to think and analyse, Latin –  which I regarded as the most valuable of all I studied –  has now, thanks to Chris Hipkins (whose own mother works within the ministry)  been discarded, as part of that ongoing attempt to ensure that education remains a valuable tool for government propaganda. We see its result in our brainwashed MPs and our young, convinced that CO2 is contributing to catastrophic global warming, and that Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, is responsive for the murderous attack by Hamas Palestinians on the country they want to wipe from the face of the earth. This, in spite of Hamas’s butchering of Israeli citizens in its  surprise attack, and the deaths and tortures released hostages have described taking place at their hands.

To ensure a country gets thoroughly dumbed down, to steer our young towards participation in sport –  without any balanced attempt to ensure they also cultivate their minds –  it is necessary to gain control  of the education system. The Marxist-infiltrated Ministry of Education has done just that, leading around by the nose successive ministers from both major political parties This is the greatest needed reform of all. While it may be the government’s job to ensure that all children get an education, it is not the job of the government to supply one. And what a disadvantage is being inflicted on those poor part-Maori children sent to te Reo immersion schools.

A ministry website giving information about its staff offers little prospect for hope. The six people it features as Senior Leaders all use highly politicised terminology referring inaccurately to Aotearoa, rather than our correct name, New Zealand, and introducing themselves in what passes for today’s largely reinvented Maori language. Maori’s original  approximate 2000 words cannot of course cope with providing translations from English, so most of today’s “Maori” has now been made-up, and is basically inauthentic, of no use whatever outside New Zealand. It displaces far more useful languages and important subjects in our schools.  Standards of literacy are also not likely to be assisted by one leader who apparently is not sufficiently competent to realise that ”between my partner and I” is grammatically quite wrong.

And this is the huge challenge….In a country where today’s parents, let alone their children – and apparently, including the majority of our MPs  –  are far less well-educated than their own parents and grandparents, where are those who men and women with fine intellects, able to tackle the massive task ahead?  We undoubtedly still have at least some excellent  teachers. But what should very much concern us is that those genuinely able to identify what has gone wrong are conspicuous by their absence. Least of all can they be found among our “experts”.

© Amy Brooke

Check out  and join us to help in the fight back against undemocratic governance – and to support this much-needed initiative to control all our political parties.

You can also order my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

It is available through my  BOOKS page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

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In it for whom? Labour is mocking New Zealand with its absurd new slogan

Anyone who seriously thinks that this Labour government is “in it”  for anyone else but themselves – and very obviously for a very small minority of obsessive part-Maori extremists  – by no means speaking for the majority of part-Maori descent – would have to be utterly naïve.

This government is on target to wreck New Zealand’s democracy by promoting what is called co-governance, but which in reality would be handing New Zealand over to the control of a very few, powerful tribal corporations, intent on gaining for themselves both power and financial advantages over all other New Zealanders, no matter what their ethnic backgrounds.

This game of rent-seeking politics by quasi-tribal leaders has been played for too long, using the card of identity politics. The result has been the corruption of recent governments promised the non-existent “Maori vote” – basically insulting to those with some Maori genetic inheritance, as if they are incapable of voting according to individual preference.

Chris Hipkins’s government, faithful to Jacinda Ardern’s attempts to limit free speech, the essential foundation of any democracy, continues to beaver away wresting control of this country from its citizens by attempting to imposing more limitations on our freedoms.

If this government is not thrown out in the coming election, we will undoubtedly have more and more restrictions on how and where we live our lives; what we say; what we may think; how and where we travel.  Watch for the virtual coralling of people into fifteen minute cities, as is now happening overseas and being planned here – as ominous a restriction on freedom as has ever been imposed in a democracy.

Meanwhile this pernicious government continues to promote a fantasy-land of a majority travelling on bikes because of the supposed deleterious effects of CO2 – which top scientists rule out as the cause of any recycling warming, cooling, and extreme weather events, while the long corrupt United Nations fans the scaremongering with its “global boiling” nonsense.  This deliberate move is a part of the over-reach from these well-funded organisations to ultimately take over the individual sovereignty of Western countries, like ours.

But see –

Moreover, our well-bribed mainstream media, now shamefully hand-in-glove with this far-Left government, will not bite the hand that feeds it. Genuine investigative reporting now belongs only back in the past, to the far more free country that our parents and grandparents knew. Furthermore, not  only have Labour shown themselves incompetent at managing the economy, or coping with the rising rate of crime – and markedly failing to imprison those obviously dangerous to others – their sneaky moves to introduce a government Regulator to interfere on social media and traditional media platforms, while proposing to provide for part-Maori to speak without the limitations imposed on others – and in fact to provide a measure of regulating all others – is almost incredible.

And what of their renaming all government departments and institutions in largely fake Maori (how does one say Department of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Social Welfare,  etc.  in genuine Maori?) is  not only insulting to those approximately 96% of New Zealanders who do not speak the same fake Maori) but is also apparently a deliberate attempt to discourage New Zealanders from understanding exactly what is going on…

Each step towards totalitarian control of this country now needs a push-back far too long neglected. That old saying of – “Give the devil an inch and he takes a mile…”is worth reflection. And that there is actual badness abroad in this attack on our freedoms and traditional values is well overdue for recognition.

It’s now being advocated that it’s time to boycott those organisations and media substituting the inauthentic Aotearoa for the genuine name for our country, and to politely request those often well-meaning individuals who Kai ora and Nga mihi us to address us in English – our most important national and international language – rather than dutifully following the dead-end lane of political correctness.

We are more than at the crossroads in this country – and any political party which does not strongly oppose co-governance – and is not committed to supporting the renaming of all the institutions as they were, and should be,  in English – does not deserve our vote.

Amy Brooke

Check out  and join us to help in the fight back against our undemocratic government – and to support this much-needed initiative to control all our political parties.

You can also order my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

It is available through my  BOOKS page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

We need your support – please help us get our  message further out –  see the DONATIONS page 

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No, Jacinda – we are not Aotearoa.

To all National Party members:

An excellent letter (read from the bottom up) has raised questions to which by now the majority of New Zealanders want answers.

What are you going to do about the fact that:
 a) Jacinda Ardern, all her government departments   and our disgracefully bribed mainstream media are trying  to force a name-change on this country, without any consultation whatsoever with New Zealanders.

 Ardern was using  the inauthentic Aotearoa when she was recently Hollywooding  overseas.

But none of you have publicly challenged her?

b) Is this party going to face up to this issue,  and publicly tackle her about trying to change our name – which a succession of polls has shown that New Zealanders overwhelmingly reject?

c)  Does National and its also apparently autocratic leader, Chris Luxon, intend to challenge the government about the renaming of all our government institutions in supposed Maori so that what they actually do has become incomprehensible to most New Zealanders?

The majority are utterly fed up with this – but National are well and truly letting us down.

d)  Does this party intend to tackle these challenges of, basically,  an assertion of  Maori superiority which many New Zealanders are now finding culturally offensive?

I would like an answer to these questions – as would so many other New Zealanders.

Amy Brooke
As sent – see the attachment below as I received it.-

“Look at Waiwere Falls notice first. Then you will understand where this guy is coming from.

 “Foreign language Safety notice

“This is a disgrace to all New Zealanders. Talk about give the Maori an inch and they take mile, goes without saying.”

(Please note – this is not the fault of the majority  of part-Maori descent, but of the small minority of activist extremists whom Ardern is obviously encouraging. It will continue  until enough New Zealanders strongly and publicly object -including t our local city councils across the country, prioritizing all greetings in Maori, rather than English.  Amy Brooke. )

       ” HI.  FYI. 

        My son was hiking in the Waiwere Falls region between Te Aroha and 
Matamata yesterday. 

        The following letter that he has sent is self-explanatory and worthy 
of taking your time to read. If ever you had any doubts about the apartheid 
intentions of the current government, read on and take the time to open the 
attached photo. 

        To me, this “Maori language-only” safety warning is a step too far! 

        Dear Sirs  

        A) DOC Relations manager 

        b) Worksafe NZ relations and safety manager 

        c) MP For Hauraki region N Mahuta 

        d) Coromandel MP  S Simpson 

 cc Casey Costello – NZ Ratepayers association 

 Bcc- “Various stakeholders” 

  Regarding an urgency sign at Waiwere Falls on the 2nd July 2022 

        As a matter of urgency could the issue of safety notices for public 
understanding posted at the start of major national hiking trail(s) be 
reviewed and then come back with a clear explanation to the following 
questions at your earliest (regarding the attached image)- 

         Could you please – 

        1) explain/translate what the following attached caution sign is 

        2) Explain why it is solely presented in a foreign format (no other 
language version was presented at, on or in the surrounds) 

        3) Why isn`t an appropriate English sign, and if required for track 
users, Hindi, Chinese, Korean, Samoan, Fijian, Japanese, etc. translations 
be provided? 

        4) Remind me who is paying for these signs 

        5) What action Worksafe NZ will be taking to stop this deliberate 
exclusion of people to safety information 

        5) When this issue will be permanently resolved by DOC as 
presumably, it is a matter of urgent safety to visitors? 

        6) What the local and neighbouring MP has to say about this 

 A concerned NZ-born, tax-paying Citizen, who would like to 
understand if they are in danger on national trails, in their own country, 
who speaks the predominant, national, English language only. 

        Waiwere falls danger notice in foreign language July 22.jpg 

 Let’s leave the word “aotearoa back in Stephenson Percy Smith’s 
story book where it belongs. 
There has only ever been one name that encompassed all the land mass, 
foreshore and seabed that today is known as New Zealand – and that is “New 
The name of our fabulous country has been known as New Zealand for 379 years 
 The word “aotearoa” has only been around for 130 years.  An Englishman, 
Stephenson Percy Smith made it up for his fictional story about Kupe and wanted a

maori sounding word that he could use to name this land in his story. 
The maori were tribal orientated, so collectively, they never ever had a 
name that encompassed all the land mass and seabed that is currently known 
as “New Zealand”. 
Secondly, maori never ever heard the word aotearoa until sometime after 1890 

So, New Zealanders …

Be proud!

        Stand up!         

 Speak up!   
 Keep “New Zealand” as the only name of our beautiful country where many 
cultures and races live. 
and …Leave the word “aotearoa” back in Stephenson Percy Smith’s story 
book where it belongs 

 This issue needs to be addressed: If you agree with what you have read, 
please, please forward it on to family, friends, colleagues etc.

Spread the word …”


Please oppose Jacinda Ardern’s fascist move to rename our country – and forward this important petition. Thank you:)

New Zealand, NOT Aotearoa

The official name of our nation, New Zealand, is a vital and important part of our nation’s collective history and culture. But our public servants, apparently under the instruction of Jacinda Ardern and Nanaia Mahuta, are now calling our nation Aotearoa or the ugly and clunky Aotearoa-New Zealand. Aotearoa is now used on official documents including our passports. This is an outrage. Such an important matter, the renaming of our nation, should only be made with our willing consent.

What you need to know:

  • Dutch explorer Abel Tasman named our islands New Zealand in 1642
    • Maori adopted this name, Nu Tirani, the name used in the Treaty of Waitangi
    • The name Aotearoa first appeared in writing as a Maori name for New Zealand in 1855
    • New Zealand, translated from the Dutch “new sea-land”, is a beautiful and appropriate name for our islands.
  • renaming our nation as Aotearoa or Aotearoa-New Zealand would be damaging to our international reputation and extremely expensive:
    • Aotearoa would baffle non-New Zealanders who would have no idea of what or where this new place is – this would remain a problem for decades
    • we have collectively spent hundreds of millions of dollars in creating our New Zealand brand, which would be destroyed if we became Aotearoa or Aotearoa-New Zealand
    • the six syllable Aotearoa is cumbersome and difficult for non-Maori speakers to pronounce – this cannot be easily overcome.

What you can do:

We must fight to preserve our cultural heritage: Jacinda Ardern and Nanaia Mahuta have no authority to change the name of our nation by stealth.

Please sign our petition below demanding that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern publicly affirm New Zealand as the name of our country, and forward this petition to your friends, family and colleagues.

A majority of New Zealanders strongly oppose changing the name of our country – we must speak up.

Thank you,
on behalf of Hobson’s Pledge

Don Brash and Casey Costello

55,832 signatures

We, the undersigned citizens of New Zealand, demand that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern publicly affirms that the official name of our nation is New Zealand, not Aotearoa-New Zealand, or Aotearoa, and instructs all government departments to use the current official name only, which means on New Zealand passports and in all communications where the name of New Zealand appears.

Will you sign?

First Name Last Name Email

AotearoaNew Zealand NOT AotearoaAbel Tasmanculture

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using a public theme by cStreet

What do Jacinda Ardern, Joe Biden, and Anthony Albanese have in common?

 The 100 Days – Claiming Back New

The short answer is that they are all apparently intent on ruining their country.

With Australia’s new Labor government replacing a supposedly conservative Liberal party which lost respect with leader Scott Morrison’s under-performance, Jacinda Ardern has a new hard-Left fellow traveller with whom to liaise. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is on target, as The Spectator Australia editor Rowan Dean has pointed out, to “likely transform itself into a mixture of modern New Zealand and Argentina, nations shackled by debt and welfarism, strangled by red and green tape and stifled from expressing democratic dissent.”

He is  right on target when adding, “We have only to look to New Zealand to see the extraordinary damage being done by an avowed left-wing government obsessed with identity and race politics and, of course, climate change. Once former International Socialist Leader Jacinda Ardern and her government achieved power in their own right, she dramatically accelerated her turbo-drive towards socialism.” 

 With Joe Biden’s mental competence seriously in question, the Democratic Party in the US is finding his plummeting poll ratings an embarrassment. His on-going destruction of the American economy;  his lack of action with regard to  establishing border controls viewed as a national security threat; and his extraordinary reluctance to take any tangible action to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state have seen his government  sitting idly by while Iran’s ruling mullahs advance their nuclear programme.  The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) has recently revealed that Iran now has enough enriched uranium to build a nuclear bomb.

And yet our mainstream media – which devoted itself to daily demonizing Donald Trump – has consistently failed to make any reference to the damage this probably worst President in American history is causing to the US, and contributing to its loss of status worldwide. Moreover, our media have infamously failed to report on the scandal involving Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and the Federal Investigation into his business dealings – obligingly dismissed by much of the US media – with our own mainstream media obligingly oblivious.

Birds of a feather? Biden’s lavish praise of Ardern is itself an indictment. The Australian Labor Party’s climate change policies will, as the Spectator editorial notes, “ruin many a small business, hurt families and the vulnerable, and threaten manufacturing and enterprise…as has happened in Europe and the United Kingdom.”

Our own unholy coalition of Labour, James Shaw’s apparently fanatical and ignorant Greens, and a Maori Party determined to turn this country into an ethno-state, basically dominated by power-hungry and racially obsessed iwi, has our once-democracy under all-out attack.  As The Spectator notes “The shocking speed with which the New Zealand Labour government has created two classes of citizens based on genetics and elevated iwi rights about others, will be the blueprint for Labor“ {across the Tasman} and “the impetus for a push towards any number of new institutions, bureaucracies and laws which will do plenty to enrich the activist classes, but absolutely nothing to help real Australian aborigines in remote townships achieve economic independence. “

 The parallel with the largely squandered, multi-million dollar payouts to part-Maori hierarchies in this country is obvious. And Rowan Dean’s timely reminder about Scott Morrison’s government failure to realise is that “if you don’t actively fight the culture wars and support conservative values to the hilt, you have already surrendered every issue to the Left”.

At the heart of the leftist damage undermining our own country is the ridiculously alarmist and non-existent “climate crisis” also criminally being used to terrorise schoolchildren, although, despite what the activists are saying (using computer – only models) the science itself tells us that climate is, as always, relatively stable, reliably unreliable, and very changeable. To call carbon dioxide a pollutant is fraudulent… Moreover there has not been any appreciable warming for the last 15 years and 2020 was reportedly the coolest in the last ten years.

However the infiltration of the Green’s radical activists into our schools is producing a desperately worried younger generation denied the core competencies of writing, reading, calculating and critical thinking, with no knowledge of what is owed to Western civilization – nor of the brutalities of previous communist and socialist regimes. New Zealand children have become so very easily propagandized.

All credit then to Heather du Plessis-Allan, now dissenting from the apparently brainwashed media. “The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that we are being incredibly naive and frankly stupid in forcing farmers to pay for climate emissions. Or in fact, forcing anyone in this country to pay for climate emissions. “

Meanwhile the new hard-Left Labor government in Australia is now calling upon Australia’s remaining coal-fired power stations, begging them to charge themselves up to full capacity, given a serious market shortage, just as freezing conditions have hit.  It has been hailed as a particularly brazen move, this new government demanding that the work be fast-tracked and that “they must “get moving on fixing their plants right now.” Ironically, these are the same coal plants that Labor promised the Australian people they would close down as soon as possible while branding the Liberal Party “coal killers” and “fossil fools”.

A useful corrective to Jacinda Arden’s breathtakingly hypocritical, recent address at Harvard University about the importance of democracy, of freedom of speech and debate, is to reflect on the money her government has paid to the mainstream media, provided they do not criticise her policies with regard to the fabricated claim that the Treaty of Waitangi is about co-governorship. We can also recall, together with so much else,   that Local Government (LGNZ) – the national body meant to promote the interests of councils and their residents – signed an agreement with the Government that prevents it from criticizing Three Waters.

But then, “A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.”

© Amy Brooke

Check out  and join us to help in the fight back against our undemocratic government – and to support this much-needed initiative to control all our political parties.

You can also order my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

It is available through my  BOOKS page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

We need your support – please help us get our  message further out –  see the DONATIONS page 

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Amy Brooke
Visit my homepage and children's literature website:

New Zealand in turmoil – when will the lying stop?

The 100 Days – Claiming Back New

Of course it is not just New Zealand. The West is in disarray. An outstanding example is the sheer cowardice of institutional hierarchies, including our universities, letting women down by endorsing the ultimately ridiculous,  far from rational claims by transgender activists that although they are provably biological males, hey presto!  They are suddenly female. We are apparently now required to believe this. In fact the deliberately proposed restrictions on freedom of speech might well have anyone questioning such an absurdity accused of a hate crime.

In an age of mental and emotional confusion, where changing fashions are so readily endorsed, it is a great sadness that so many have now lost touch with reality, or are so unsure of their own personhood, that they have come to believe that they are what they are not. But isn’t it the task of our thinkers and achievers to support the truth of these issues – rather than immediately endorse the claim of any male stating he has become a woman – with no biological evidence at all to support this fact? It is also by no means irrelevant that, this way, men who fail to compete at the top in various men’s sports will defeat women when competing against them, with all the advantages of male biology. And what about men insisting that, as they are females, they must be admitted into women’s prisons – with the result that women inmates are now being issued with contraceptive devices?

The attack on the truth of issues is now spreading into so many areas that from where it is coming raises an important question. Any direct attack on the truth of things is not motivated by anything other than an agenda of badness – a fact that Christianity has long recognised. However, with the receding tide of Christian belief, society has become more and more in disarray, drug-ridden and violent, which points to a fact of great importance  – that it was the tenets of Christian belief, emphasising the requirement of the individual to ultimately answer to God for his or her actions, which stabilised the West. Where the attack on Christianity has been successful, the vacuum it has left is obvious.

New Zealand has its own particular challenge at the moment. A minority-only  group of immensely powerful and privileged activists, apparently obsessed by a degree of part-Maori inheritance, are challenging our very democracy. Complicit is Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who has refused to state why she is endorsing the sheer untruth of maintaining that the Treaty of Waitangi established a partnership between the Crown and Maori.

If this is in fact a lie, why is she supporting it? What is her own agenda?

 Having learned from past mistakes and worse, when the British Crown somewhat reluctantly stepped in at the urging of powerful tribal chiefs to establish a Pax Romana over New Zealand, the intent quite plainly shown in the three articles of the Treaty of Waitangi was that both the prior Maori inhabitants and the new colonists would have the same rights and protection for their assets under the Crown.

There was never any question of a partnership and the issue never arose – ridiculous as it is – until about the mid-80s, when young Maori activists returned from their Marxist camps overseas, armed with the knowledge of how to white-ant our democracy. They were primed to plant the seeds of disaffection and grievance to persuade the gullible how cheated they had been by the coming the colonists. The enormous advantages which in fact accrued to Maoris, as listed in this Spectator article, illustrate the opposite.

In fact, there was no Maori nation as such – so no separate entity existed to which the Crown could possibly link in a partnership. The notion is an absurdity. There were instead disparate, independent and hostile tribes up and down the country constantly at war with one another  – as in fact in many ways some powerful iwi still basically are – intent on achieving advantages solely for themselves at the expense of all others.  The Crown could not possibly have joined in a partnership with these quite separate tribal groups… some of which did not even sign the treaty

However, this canard of a partnership is now being claimed because it has become a peg upon which hangs the call for co-governance of this country by powerful tribal groups. Their strategy is to claim the existence of a partnership so that both the Crown, represented by our government, and a hierarchy of ambitious part-Maori (by no means representing the majority of those of Maori descent) can join in ruling New Zealand.

It is a preposterous notion and the fact that Justice Robin Cooke, somewhat given to ponderous pronouncements, reportedly declared in 1987 that the Treaty of Waitangi created a relationship between the Crown and Maoris  as “somewhat akin to a partnership” subsequently caused a lot of the ensuing activism. It was an ill-thought, careless definition which any lawyer would know could be immediately challenged.

However, Cooke has been by no means the only member of the legal fraternity to be less than scrupulous in his use of words…with a former Minister of Justice claiming that the treaty is “a living document…”leaving the way open for activists to claim its meaning needs to be constantly reinterpreted..always to their advantage, of course… Yet this is sheer nonsense: the treaty is a document anchored in time and place.

What is also overdue for assessment is that this treaty, like so many other treaties throughout history, could well be relegated to the dustbin of history – so that it can no longer be used as a focal point for dissent.

It is no longer needed, given that a genuine democracy – which we should be reclaiming – respects the rights of all citizens and acknowledges their equality under the law, irrespective of ethnicity.

Ardern’s destructive government needs to acknowledge this – and our elusive Prime Minister should be pressed on why, based on no legal evidence whatsoever, she keeps claiming the Treaty of Waitangi established a partnership.

Why do our mainstream media not press her on this issue?

Would it perchance be because they are paid to not do so?

No wonder the country is in turmoil.

 © Amy Brooke

Check out  and join us to help in the fight back against our undemocratic government – and to support this much-needed initiative  to control all our political parties.

You can also order my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

It is available through my home page and children’s literature website BOOKS page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

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Why are we letting our politicians destroy this country?

The 100 Days – Claiming Back New

 There is more than one way to ruin any country – and to sabotage a democracy. The reminder is here in this column that a government that mandates how the language is used can control the minds of its citizens.

And to those think Latin is merely a dead language comes a corrective,  illustrating how much more valuable it actually is for young New Zealanders to learn than today’s inauthentic te Reo.

The Ardern government is foisting off on us more and more unintelligible words and phrases – in many cases substituting newly-coined, by no means authentic Maori to replace the language we all share. Our institutions, organizations, agencies are now having their long-accepted names replaced, reinvented in many cases well past the point of authenticity,  without any consultation whatsoever with New Zealanders. For example, we all knew what the New Zealand Transport Authority meant.  What possible, sensible reason could there have been for changing its name to the largely unintelligible Waka Kotahi?

But wait!  Apparently removing the long accepted names from all our government institutions to rename them in te Roe is to “revitalize them”. Some might think this arrant nonsense…  Moreover, Miss Ardern knows quite well that New Zealanders have already strongly rejected replacing our nationally known name by Aotearoa – which was never even the equivalent Maori name for New Zealand. It doesn’t stop her doing so.

The attack on our common culture   – which those of part-Maori descent also share through their own European ancestors – derived from so many contributing nations – from Greece, Rome, France – from  the Arabians, Scandinavian,  Celts and others  – from the whole melting pot of peoples from whom our forebears and we ourselves are descended has contributed richly to today’s New Zealand.

It also now includes these from other countries who chose to come here because we were a democracy, underpinned by Christian ideals and values – in particular, respect for each and every individual,  regardless of colour, sex,  race or creed. So important are these stabilising ideals that we should only be admitting as immigrants those who subscribe to these values. Where there is dissent, and the promotion of separatism, as Samuel Huntington reminds us – cultures clash, with the inevitable fracturing of a society. There is every evidence this is now happening, under Ardern’s virtual rule.

None of us would be under any illusion today that our democracy is under attack from within by a very small group of those of part-Maori descent – by no means a majority –  so apparently swollen with self-importance because of one part of their cultural inheritance that they are clamouring for co-governance of this country. Of course it can’t be allowed to happen – although it is not being been contested  – on the contrary – by the Prime Minister.  But every inch given leads eventually to a mile taken.  And the twisting of the meaning of the Treaty of Waitangi, whose simple provisions made it plain that all New Zealanders,  at the time of the signing of the Treaty, now became subjects of the Crown, with equal rights and protection,  is the weapon they are using.

They are in fact untruthful  about the provisions of the treaty – conveniently calling it “a living document” – nonsense, of course, as its signing was anchored in time and place and means no more and no less than its plain statements and obvious intent.

However, the prescient George Orwell reminded us that if the language is attacked, so is the thinking. And this attack on our English is being intensified.

I was struck when recently ringing Parliament to have the normal announcement that I had contacted Parliament replaced by a long spiel in what I began to realise must be te Reo. When this individual had finished, then letting me know in English that I had reached Parliament, he asked if I would like to hear a little more Maori – or words to that effect.  I said I certainly would not – that  I had heard too much already that was totally unintelligible to me,  and to by far the majority of New Zealanders… that it was simply discourteous to answer Parliament’s phone at length in any but our shared, and most important, national and international language – and that he had wasted my time and his own by not doing so.

He was pleasant, had obviously been told to do so, and said he would take this on board. Other New Zealanders who may want to speak to an MP in relation to any current issue many like to test this. Parliament’s number is 04 817 9999. If more New Zealanders would ring Parliament to register their views on important issues this would be a very useful tactic  – particularly given that the Labour government is shockingly refusing to accept email submissions on matters of particular concern.

We know them all. And the excuse given for the  imposition of today’s te Reo on the public, at enormous cost, can also,  with so much else, be laid at the feet of a former  National government, equally culpable in its own markedly racist provisions – including the disgraceful business of former Prime Minister John Key surreptitiously sending Maori Affairs Minister Pita Sharples to New York to sign the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples  – deliberately  without letting New Zealanders know – nor  even the media!   Ardern has found this a convenient tool indeed on which to hang He Puapua  –  although of course Maori were never  indigenous to this country – so it has no relevance here.

But the move now is being prioritised to override the very principles  of democracy to give superior status to those belonging to powerful iwi – even when of markedly European descent –  over and above those of the majority of this country. As a correspondent has stated:

“It is also a disgrace that New Zealanders have until only Wednesday 20 April to submit an objection to the  outrageous, anti-democratic, proposed arrangement for new council wards  – where the Maori wards get more seats per person than the general wards. “

 Ardern’s government of course has no  intention of taking any notice, but  he is right in saying, “It is important to at least register as many objections as possible to help build momentum against the wider co-governance plot,  and to put pressure on the individuals voting for it.” As he adds,  “History will not judge them kindly”.

 Please lodge your objection in time. To put it bluntly,  those who don’t do so are so often  part of the problem…

More and more New Zealanders are waking up to the fact that it is our politicians who have caused, and are causing, more damage to this country than  any other group of individuals. It is good  to have more and more New Zealanders  coming on board to support our  highly relevant movement which can give us the means to reclaim this country… to control our politicians – as the Swiss do – so that it is we  who can decide on this country’s directions –  and block all legislation which continually causes such damage.


Check out  and join us to help in the fight back against our undemocratic government – and to support this much-needed initiative  to control all our political parties.

You can also order my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

It is available through my home page and children’s literature website BOOKS page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

We need your support – please help us get our  message further out –  see the DONATIONS page 

And thank you very much those who have already done so! 
 It is also very important to LIKE or SHARE  us at –

Amy Brooke

Visit my homepage and children’s literature website:


The freedom protest: the dereliction of our parliamentary representatives – and the pity of it all…

Is what was once our New Zealand democracy being deliberately sabotaged?

One of the most telling aspects of the unprecedented freedom protest, largely  by ordinary New Zealanders from all across the political spectrum –  travelling the length of the country with a focus on  parliament –  has been the refusal of every single MP to meet with those who placed them where they are…and pay their salaries…

Equally as telling as the arrogance of our politicians has been the Ardern coalition’s basically bribed mainstream media obligingly demonizing the protesters – and so facilitating  our supposed political representatives turning their backs on those who elected them – by dismissing them as anti-vaxxers, a basically pejorative term.

And no, Matthew Hooton: dismissing them as rabble is not just inaccurate,  perjorative and condescending – it does not reflect at all well on you…

Any protest group will always attract fringe elements, and those with various emotional or mental issues  – which a pot-stirring  media, now owing allegiance to the government hand that feeds it – will immediately seize on to discredit what is basically an anti-government protest.

For by far the majority of these protesters this has been an issue about the gradual loss of so many of our freedoms under the Ardern government – including the attack on freedom of speech and  the deliberate intimidation of so many of  those genuinely concerned at the white-anting of our democracy by unfair accusations such as homophobic, or racist.

The protests include vital issues. New Zealanders are not fools. The Ardern government’s sabotaging of our democracy by aiming to establish neo-tribal domination – i.e. the power of wealthy corporations of part-Maori descent to take control of our national assets, such as the Three Waters,  of  our health system and education curricula…of what is taught in our universities… about who should receive research funding grants – (based on a now established requirement for priority to be given to those of part-Maori  descent – for no good reason whatever, etc.)  –   is foremost in the motivation of so many so-called ordinary New Zealanders .

These include probably the majority of part-Maori wanting no part  in the activities of these radicalized extremists –  just individuals – fathers, mothers, families – even  grandparents well remembering a far more democratic country and so  joining in this unprecedented protest.

Like most New Zealanders, having taken on board the evidence of the necessity for protection to at least some extent against the coronavirus, I’m vaccinated.  However,  I understand the right of others to refuse to be vaccinated. The really difficult issue is the protest against vaccine mandates. No sane person wants to see good,  dedicated people – doctors,  nurses, teachers, etc. lose their jobs because they have refused vaccination.

Nor is anybody in their right mind really happy about  NZers being turned into second-class citizens by having mandatory vaccinations imposed on conditions of employment – a complex legal, ethical, practical, and political issue.

However,  given the deadly nature of this virus, how many of us would be happy to see a vulnerable family member in hospital  – or an elderly parent in an aged care home – nursed by an individual refusing vaccination  – and therefore putting patients at risk by being far more likely to fall a victim to Covid in one of its deadly forms. And no, the Omicron version is apparently not less deadly. On the evidence, where its effect is less severe it is because where individuals are already vaccinated, they are receiving far better protection.

Moreover, where the vulnerable have been at risk,  vaccinations in some instances are already mandatory.

 For example,  it seems that the hepatitis B vaccination is mandatory in the UK for certain healthcare workers likely to potentially be involved with patients. Reportedly, in the US there are some states that mandate  hepatitis A and B vaccines for entry into day-care elementary and middle schools to help stop this silent infection.

In fact,  mandatory vaccination is not new.  For example, smallpox vaccination used to be mandatory in many countries – but are not any more because the disease has been eradicated. However, apparently there were no mandatory vaccinations in New Zealand before Covid,  which is why the issue is foreign to us.

What this protest has shown us in particular is the contempt in which New Zealanders are basically held – not only by Ardern’s hard-Left coalition, but by the Luxon- led National Party.

 How many MPs thought that it was fine that incidences of police brutality took place … and that Trevor Mallard actually ordered hoses to be turned on fellow  citizens?

It is basically a disgrace that the people elected to parliament to represent  the country hid away, whether through cowardice or arrogance – and made feeble excuses for refusing to meet those who had taken the truble to try to contact them.

Not one. Our MPs do not deserve our support.


Amy Brooke

To find out more and to help achieve a tipping point of enough New Zealanders to challenge all our political parties on this issue, check out our  100 Days movement –  – and join the increasing number of those coming on board!

Check out for yourself my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

Available through my home page and children’s literature website BOOK page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

We need your support – please help us get our  message further out –  see the DONATIONS page 

And thank you very much those who have already done so!

Amy Brooke

Visit my homepage and children’s literature website:

More than one way to ruin a country

The 100 Days – Claiming Back New

There can be no doubt at all that New Zealand, once at least an almost-democracy, is now under attack.

Cui bono? To whose benefit?  Or, Who profits by this…? a phrase used by Cicero at a time when the collapse of the Roman Republic was imminent, is one we, too, should be asking in relation to what is happening to this country. 

The signs that our own democracy is facing a virtual collapse are all around us – a claim that may sound exaggerated until we look at the indisputably racist, anti-democratic agenda that the Labour coalition, under the far-Left Ardern, is imposing on the country.

Similarly with John Key, described as “the smiling assassin” by those who worked  closely with him before he returned to New Zealand,  and who also appeared to think that his personal popularity would enable him  to get rid of  our  flag’s Union Jack –  a  reminder of our rich cultural heritage – Ardern is  confident of her  own and her government’s  popularity. She has gone even further, wanting to get rid of our country’s internationally-recognised name.  Why?

A leaked email revealing a directive sent down from her office recently, in relation to dumped Covid-19 documents, has this over-authoritarian Prime Minister telling her ministers not to give interviews, stating that “the government has no need to respond because of its overwhelming public support”.

 If this support continues, then we have lost this country, not only as a quasi-democracy.  We know that freedom of speech is essential to any democracy.  Yet her proposed legislation further attacking the right of individuals to freedom of speech – with extraordinary penalties lined up to intimidate the population – is part of any far-Left government’s agenda.  

The intent of He Puapua, to deliberately promote separatism and so divide the country, citizens against citizens, comes straight from the Communist Manifesto, with its attack on community integration. Her push to change the name of the country and attempt to make government documents less intelligible, sprinkled with Maori, or re-invented Maori  terminology –  replacing our most important national and international language   – is not part of her be-kind-to-one another exhortations.

 It is in fact highly discourteous, given that only an estimated 4% of New Zealanders speak today’s  teo reo – by no means the original Maori language, but one now largely reinvented,  similarly to Esperanto, but without the latter’s original intent to enable all the peoples of the world to speak a common language. It is English which has become the most important language internationally. Today’s largely reinvented Maori is spoken nowhere else, and is an anachronistic attempt to reinvent a language which has become largely irrelevant, even if understandably of historical importance to those of Maori descent.

However, the allocating of scores of millions of taxpayers’ dollars to attempt to inflict this largely irrelevant and inauthentic reinvention of the original Maori upon schoolchildren, their teachers and other institutions, diverts much-needed funding from essential areas such as health related issues. For example, it is to the government’s shame that Starship, our leading Children’s Hospital, is so  cash-strapped that it has to appeal to the public for funds… while scores of millions of dollars are continually diverted to wastefully promote what is no longer an authentic language.

Moreover, far more important languages need prioritising, given that te reo is not spoken in any other country in the world, and that New Zealand children would benefit far more from learning a language of genuine use to them overseas. Moreover, to expect new immigrants, speaking their own language  – and needing to become fluent in English – to spend precious time by being required to also take on the burden of this reinvented language, is unconscionable.

There is an urgent need to replace the now Marxist Ministry of Education with a system removed from the dominance, politicised decisions and dumbing down of the Left, and replace it with a body answerable to the needs of children and their parents.
Moreover, when everybody speaks English, this crosses boundaries of race and cultural values, promoting a sense of national cohesion.

A contributing factor to this social cohesiveness is the shared history of our traditional Western values – passed down to both those of European and part-Maori descent – but with the latter discouraged from celebrating this highly important part of their heritage. Again, one has to ask why…

This has not been by accident,  but as part of the attack on our national cohesion which too many New Zealanders have not yet recognised – having fallen into the trap of being wrongly persuaded that the Treaty of Waitangi set up a partnership between Maori and the Crown – not only one that never happened, but that in fact was impossible. Yet this canard is being skilfully promulgated to persuade the gullible that co-governance of New Zealand is justified. Moreover, it is not just co–governance which is envisaged, but one where superior rights are to be given to those with some percentage of Maori ancestry, entitled to claim extra political power and money as a chosen people.

It is good to see so many now opposing this deliberate promotion of racial divisiveness.  But what that it is being deliberately done needs to be far more fully recognised.

There have been warnings throughout history that a country divided against itself cannot stand. We all need to understand that the former peace and harmony of this  country is not only under attack by divisive pressure groups with prioritised access to government  – but is also supported by politicians with an agenda far from that of a cohesive society.
Presiding over all this social unrest is today’s ever-smiling Prime Minister,  seemingly intent on inflicting her own agenda decisions on us all. The writing is in fact on the wall,  with the enemy already within the gates.

But when more New Zealanders begin to at last ask this crucial question, Cui bono?  – the answer will become more obvious. And for those willing to fight for the country for which so many of our forebears  gave their lives, the very practicable way back can be found at

 © Amy  Brooke

Check out for yourself my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

Available through my home page and children’s literature website BOOK page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

We need your support – please help us get our  message further out –  see the DONATIONS page 
And thank you very much those who have already done so!


Amy Brooke
Visit my homepage and children’s literature website:


Jacinda Ardern must be very pleased with herself

Should we in this country – known to the world as  New Zealand – not Aotearoa – be able to expect that debate on the important issues of the day should be readily available, open and transparent?

Or is it fine that our mainstream media have been paid to act as the mouthpiece of a far-Left government?

There is only one possible answer, if we are to consider ourselves a democracy – that freedom of the press is essential.

We have lost it, because our mainstream media have sold the country out. We cannot afford to be anything but very clear about what is actually happening to us.

Owning the press is an important part of any government’s plan to propagandise, and eventually control the population. Athough it has no place in a democracy,  gagging the press, or buying its complicity, is one of the first and most important moves of any totalitarian government –  as in the former USSR, in China, North Korea –  or wherever an all-controlling government lays down what is, and what is not, desirable for people to read.

However, our main media outlets have accepted what are basically government bribes, amounting to ongoing millions of dollars – provided they agree to not challenge the Ardern government in relation to its factually wrong claims – such as that the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi established a legal partnership – or indeed any kind of partnership – between Maori and the Crown.

Not only would this have been impossible, it is totally untrue. Yet, when Ardern, who parrots this claim, was asked in a personal email by the former leader of the National Party and Governor of the Reserve Bank,  Don Brash, to produce the evidence that this is the case – she did what she is very good at – she dodged replying.

We are very aware that the PM does not answer questions to which she dislikes the answer. Her racist blueprint for establishing apartheid in this country, and incredibly enough, supposed co-governance by a small minority only of radicalised part-Maori – apparently obsessed about one part only of their genetic inheritance – is a recipe for sowing widespread divisiveness and instability. It beggars belief that she simply doesn’t have enough intelligence to appreciate this.

She must also be well aware that as a result of the signing of the treaty, all New Zealanders, no matter what their racial background, became subjects of the Crown with equal protection, rights and responsibilities.  The dreamworld of ethnic superiority in which some academics apparently find themselves does not alter actual facts:  in Captain William Hobson’s words – He iwi tahi tatou – We are one people.

This is apparent not a concept that appeals to Miss Arden.  Fostering dissent among New Zealanders, the government aims to remove from local people the control of their own assets, such as water – with the view of giving the same extremist part-Maori activists superior rights over its ownership.  Other part-Maori expressing concern about this move, and what it will do to the country and the inevitable resentment that will follow, are simply ignored. After all, as activist, Titewhai Harawira reminded her followers, “The squeaky wheel gets the most grease…” Noisy, even badgering minorities can hold a majority to ransom.

Ardern uses the canard of the signing of the treaty establishing a partnership as justification for the apparent aim of co-governance laid out in the originally heavily redacted He Puapua – which previously claimed she had not even read.

But what of media complicity?  The list is long, but all the requirements laid upon various institutions to conform to receive their funding have one thing in common – they must adhere to race-backed conditions such as “cultural competency” courses which will produce advocacy journalism – ongoing attempts to “educate” the public.

We are in fact losing this country because of  a government which is not only attempting to essentially bribe the media to toe this far-Left  government’s line – but is  also attempting, through its insidious and intimidating proposals to reform our “hate speech “laws – to restrict what we say – with extraordinarily harsh penalties dangled over our heads.

Although that sleeping giant the public is at last beginning to stir,   it is very late in the day for many New Zealanders to wake up to the fact this is not government by the people for the people – this is a régime closer to that of a totalitarian one stretching its  tentacles over the whole country.
© Amy Brooke  

 Check out for yourself my book, “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.”

Available through my home page and children’s literature website BOOK page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

We need your support – please help us get our  message further out –  see the DONATIONS page 
And thank you very much those who have already done so!