Why the annual Government pilgrimage to Ratana, who wore Rising Sun badges in World War, waiting to welcome the Japanese?

Please note.

It is simply a  fact, that in World War 2 the Ratana in Hawkes Bay were wearing badges depicting the Rising Sun of Japan with whom their sympathies apparently lay. It was known that they were hoping for an invasion. Aware of this, the government sent up police to confiscate all the guns with which they were armed.

These were kept overnight in a room in the school house at Rangiahua until they could be taken away.

The Ratana’s then affinity for the  Japanese is (inevitably) whitewashed on a Maori website as “Pakeha Paranoia”,  but it was nothing of the sort. I recall an elderly relative, son of the school teachers at the local school at the time, telling how thrilled he was to have these guns temporarily stored in what was then his bedroom (!)


But in any case, why are governments annually making pilgrimages to this particular group of Maori?

Why are particular groups of  part-Maori individuals such as specific iwi constantly being accorded special consultation rights and access to government members?

It is more than time this stopped, particularly given that the Maori party,whom most part-Maori certainly do not support, and for whom quite obviously they did not vote, apparently don’t support the election results, thinking they should be in control of the directions in which the country is being taken.

Christoper Luxon, Chris Bishop,  and Maori Development Minister Tame Potaka in particular are perceived, rightly or wrongly, as now failing to represent the will of the majority of the country, who voted for an end to all these racist provisions for part-Maori only.

Why on earth do we have a Minister of Maori development?

 The Maori economy, after almost two centuries of assistance from  all taxpayers, is now worth about $70 billion – yes, billion dollars. Most part-Maori are engaged in making their  way, like all other  New Zealanders, many  highly paid and very prosperous – as with those complaining most loudly about disadvantage…

Moreover, iwi who are presently  paying no tax, but profit hugely from being engaged in property development, etc, should be taxed like all  other New Zealanders. The only charitable organisations they represent are themselves.  This has gone on for years, and it’s time it stopped.

For any underclass who are not achieving so well, help needs to be targeted to those in need – not on racial grounds –  together with inducements to stop relying on welfare handouts, to take personal responsibility for themselves and their children,  and to get out and earn a living.

Christopher Luxon’s underling, Nicola Willis, is quite wrong.

In spite of one judge’s clumsy wording, nowhere in the Treaty of Waitangi is there any mention of a partnership, or anything like it,  between the disparate, scattered and warring Mari tribal groups and the Crown.

She should get her facts right. The intent obviously was that we should go forward as one people, with equal democratic rights.

Nor should Luxon be disparaging ACT’s efforts to hold a referendum to clarify what the treaty obviously meant at the time, not what it has been conveniently reinvented to say.

It is time for this National coalition  to start representing most New Zealanders, not kowtowing to those radicalized Maori implying violence if their  essentially bullying demands are not given preference over  what the majority of New Zealanders have voted for- equal rights for all – European, Maori, Indian, Pacific Islanders – all those – whatever their ethnic background, living not in Aotearoa, but in New Zealand.

Time for National in particular to turn its back on tribal politics. At present  it is letting New Zealanders down.

Nor is the left-wing media helping, by acting as a willing mouthpiece for those  intent on undermining our democracy- or what was our democracy- and  continually producing inflammatory headlines.  Time to protest here, too.

  Amy Brooke

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