No, not Waitangi Day. And is Jacinda really ignorant, or just weak?

Things are getting worse…under this far-left government…

Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta has announced immediate changes to allow councils to set up Maori Wards in the 2022 local elections.  Given this push to refuse to allow citizens to have a say about what is basically a constitutional change, setting up racist voting structures in local government is, as Hobson’s Pledge Trust has pointed out, moving us even closer away from genuinely representative government.

Throughout New Zealand, the majority of councils’ ratepayers overwhelmingly voted against this racist initiative. Nanaia and Jacinda know this – but it is not stopping them.  So what is their agenda?

So many New Zealanders, rightly or wrongly,  must now be wondering  if Mahuta is spelling out a specific message? For example,  with her especially tattooed chin,  has she a personal bias towards promoting the interests  – not of the country as a whole –  but of the highly  unrepresentative, but aggressive  minority of part-Maori extremists constantly pushing for more and more advantages? The reversion to primitivism represented by facial tattooing to emphasise cultural separatism  is certainly a statement by those undertaking it, disturbing though it  may be to many. The fact that she is also the public face representing New Zealand on the world stage as also the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade compounds an already ambivalent situation – given that tattooing still carries a negative stigma in other countries… and is by no means universally supported  in our own.

These are legitimate concerns.And people should be free to raise them. Yet given the climate of increasing  intimidation raised by the spectre of “Hate Speech”  – with Jacinda’s  government of the Left now in league with the bully boys and girls intent on clamping down on freedom of speech –  a useful tool to scare people from opposing racist agenda – New Zealand is in real trouble. And no – we are not Aotearoa…

 There  is little doubt that the constant erosion of a once far more democratic county is  now gathering pace.

With Waitangi  Day looming,  there has long been an argument that it’s high time to call for a New Zealand Day to replace this annual,  so often disruptive talk-feste, traditionally hijacked by that usual  minority of permanently aggrieved part-Maori extremists (often with a highly diluted Maori inheritance…) intent on demonising  our, and indeed also their colonial forbears – whose arrival brought so many-tangible benefits to Maori.

Our major political parties have consistently, over recent decades,  been supporting racist policies by pouring a never-ending stream of taxpayers’ money into preferential funding as a result of constant pressure from this noisy, demanding minority of  agitators. These are by no means the majority of those with Maori ancestors, who, like the rest of us, get on with their/our own lives, working hard in professions, in trades and chosen occupations to make a living for themselves and their  families. They are ill-served by political parties which bypass the interests of those who put the welfare of the whole country first  in favour of constant obeisance towards those agitating for self interest…

Replacing the typically over-politicised Waitangi Day with New Zealand Day would acknowledge that we are more than overdue to celebrate people  from all races and cultures who have contributed so much to this country,  and who respect the democratic principles, underpinned by Christian values,  which established us, until now, as a stable and united democracy.

Today’s constant, damaging push by Jacinda Ardern’s government to move us away from the policies of peaceful assimilation, to the fraught push towards racial separatism under the guise of “diversity” (i.e. internal divisions and divisiveness)  needs to be seen for what it is – either ill-thought  – or deliberately subversive.

Her further moves towards funding the politics of identity can do nothing except promote the clash of cultures on the basis of race, basically the politics of Marxism – with its focus on planning and encouraging divisiveness to destabilise Western countries  – whether or not  Miss Ardern even realises this…

She  is now perceived as being weak, too easily pressured by both the  far-left Greens and the same noisy minority of part-Maori extremists always with their eye to the main chance.

And the Maori economy,  now reportedly worth close to $40 billion, already built to a very large extent on money constantly taken from taxpayers’ pockets over recent decades,  is not one which can claim financial disadvantage. New Zealanders traditionally respond to need – but where special funding for part-Maori only is constantly demanded, then there is growing recognition that  the accumulated wealth in their own people’s hands should be targeted – not the country at large.

Given the advances now being made towards the gradual usurping of our democratic rights, underpinned by the crucially important freedom of speech  – vital to any free society, but now strongly under attack under this guise of preventing “Hate Speech” – we are overdue to step up the fight against the attack on  crucial freedoms which our parents,  grandparents and others before us  – in so many cases – gave their lives to protect.

We are letting them down when we do not have the courage to fight for our own children  – or can’t be bothered facing up to what is really happening.

We already owe much to those dedicated individuals who continue to fight against government and racial bullying. They are, in fact, what stands between all New Zealanders and the  tyranny of expanding State control.

Each of us, directly or indirectly, is responsible for what is happening – and for where we stand.

And you?

Will you join us to help win back this country? Then contact our political hierarchies – to make sure your views are taken on board….

Check out for yourself my book,  “The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.” Available through my home page and children’s literature website BOOK Page at –  or at Amazon’s Kindle.

© Amy Brooke, Convenor, The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand –  – The 100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand