Why is Jacinda Ardern promoting further racial separatism?

Why is Jacinda Ardern promoting further racial separatism? 

Can Ardern really be ignorant of the fact that there is absolutely no doubt that New Zealanders as a whole – whatever their ethnic background – are now fed up with the increasing polarisation of society along the lines of a deliberately promoted Maori superiority? 

Is she ignorant, naïve –  or does she have a more concerning aim in mind? 

According to the usual part-Maori activists, Maori names must now appear first. In city streets, throughout national and local government agencies, signs are being rewritten at considerable expense to the whole country so that Maori – in many cases, of course, predominantly reinvented Maori – is to take precedence. Any English must appear in much smaller lettering underneath. 

 This is not only insulting to the majority of New Zealanders: it appears to be  an extraordinarily insensitive promotion of resentment, of a kickback against the massive, never-ending payouts of now hundreds of millions of dollars in supposed “compensation” by a generation today which had absolutely nothing to do with any wrongs committed nearly 200 hundred years ago. Moreover, a one-sided emphasis on these has been allowed to hold sway for too long. 

Add on the nonsensical assertion that what is now an overwhelmingly fake language should be compulsorily inflicted upon the country…with attempts to pass it off as “the language of the land”, and the inevitable backlash is gathering momentum. 

Someone needs to tell the present Race Relations Conciliator this claim of hers is sheer gobbledygook. The land has no language.  The land cannot speak. Faced with an inexorable logic, even if one were deluded enough to literally put one ear to the ground, one would have to admit a failure in any attempt to listen to the land speaking… 

Moreover, if the land today had a language it would be English – the international language overwhelmingly necessary for communication both within and outside this country…the language which new immigrants must learn to assimilate…the language which by far the majority of those of Maori descent also prefer to speak. And any attempt by the politically correct to try to gain more mileage for a language stretched well past its original authenticity will be resisted by New Zealanders who have far more important things to do – and who resent the ongoing virtual squandering of scores of millions of dollars each year on a now inauthentic, largely made-up language which has no relevance to them.  But it provides lucrative jobs for the boys and girls pushing it… 

In fact, it can be argued that it is not only farcical to claim that a genuine Maori language has the words for, say Inland Revenue Department, Ministry of  Social Welfare, economy return flight tickets to Afghanistan… Accident and Emergency Department… but that it is a basic con to claim that this largely reinvented language is authentic.  

So why is this happening? 

We are also well overdue to ask – who is Maori?  

It’s past time for a scientifically based definition of Maori. We should now be insisting upon this from this government, because the lack of any definition allows today’s opportunists, those with their eye to the main chance, to claim to be Maori for any economic or preferential advantage going. 

There are no longer any genuinely full-blooded Maoris in this country. And the most prominent iwi opportunists are those who are predominantly certainly not Maori – but to whom the constant rejection of the largest proportion of their genetic inheritance pays great dividends – given today’s corruption of our vote-seeking political parties.

Remember Donna Awatare? A convicted fraudster, together with her husband, she was found guilty in 2005 and sentenced to 2 years nine months in jail. They were convicted of stealing $80,000 from a trust fund she had formed to improve literacy among underperforming Maori children.  Since being released from jail, she has held several roles including deputy chair administration for the New Zealand Māori Council.

In 2014 she represented the council in presenting the Māori claim for water to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.  She has now been appointed Maori Climate Commissioner.

How many will have been incredulous at this news? It is not surprising, but it is ominous, that our major newspaper syndicates, obligingly changing their mastheads  to switch to Maori-derived names, have now severely cut back, or completely dispensed with, the ability to comment on the major socio-political articles of the day. 

Why do you think this might be? Could it possibly be related to the fact that most commentators have voiced their concern, even their anger, at the views of the majority of New Zealanders now being completely discarded.  

One correspondent‘s view, that the Treaty of Waitangi has become a stranglehold on the rest of the country, is now reflected the length and breadth of the country.  Another expat’s comments represent the thinking of many. Having left New Zealand because of the increasingly toxic atmosphere caused by our political parties sell-out of democracy along racist lines, he writes, “It seems the will of the people in a democratic vote is not respected if the minority don’t like it. This I find very worrying,  as voting is the basis of democracy.” Individuals who feel powerless in the face of this increasingly racist reorientation of New Zealand do have a remedy. And it’s a very easy one.  Each of us can indeed stand up to be counted. You don’t have to despise yourself for doing nothing  (an essentially cowardly choice which diminishes us as human beings, as Jordan Peterson points out ) –  or for feeling powerless in the face of this virtual steam-rolling over the majority of New Zealanders. 

When did you last put a quick call through to Parliament to the appropriate office – that of your local MP? – or the office of the leader of a political party. They claim they really want to hear from you  – then why don’t you make sure they do?  

A correspondent has contacted me to say she has done just that. She rang Jacinda Arden’s office to politely state that she completely disagrees – as do majority of New Zealanders – with the racist lines Jacinda Ardern is promoting… She asked her views to be taken into account – to be taken back to the Prime Minister. 

Everything in the end depends upon individuals. Why don’t you do the same? And no – it’s not like knocking on the headmaster’s door! We employ and pay our political servants. We will be genuinely beginning to claim back this country when we act upon this actual fact.  

Parliament’s number is 04 817 9999. Ring and ask to be put through to the appropriate office. Every call counts – as does doing nothing… We do have a choice.


©  Amy Brooke, Convenor, The 100 Days.  See my book “100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand …what has gone wrong, and how we can control our politicians.” Available through my  BOOK Page at www.amybrooke.co.nz, or at Amazon’s Kindle.