Susan Devoy, this won’t do. High time she resigned?

Susan Devoy – this won’t do. High time she resigned?

Sociopolitical commentator Lindsay Perigo has recently made some very timely points about the attack on free speech in New Zealand. And it’s getting worse.

Many now regard Susan Devoy as contributing to this, seemingly very much out of her depth with regard to comprehending what her constant stirring of the supposed  “hate speech” pot is leading to.

Devoy’s  credentials for ever being appointed to her position as Race Relations Conciliator in the first place are a mystery,  and she is now understandably regarded by many as very much unsuitable for the position she holds.

Far from being  seen as an objective, properly neutral government employee, she is perceived by concerned New Zealanders as very much lacking judgment. Her school-marmish, disapproving attitude towards those concerned at the divisiveness now caused by the promotion of what is  increasingly seen as a radicalised, Maori supremacy movement in this country – which many, far from extreme part-Maori individuals also object to – is unreasonable.

For example, her statement below is completely unacceptable to all concerned with fair and balanced debate – and is basically quite shocking! *

She also seems  ignorant of the fact that the ongoing attempt to actually replace New Zealand as the name of our country with “Aotearoa” – never even historically justified – is  very much part of the power push by the radicalized Left.

* “Anyone  who complains about te reo Māori being used and celebrated in this country needs to get one thing straight: this is New Zealand. Aotearoa New Zealand – so get used to it,” Devoy said.

Susan – this sort of intemperate, even bullying statement will not do. Time indeed to step down…

As Lindsay Perigo has pointed out, Devoy, “—who dismisses anything she disapproves of as “stale, male and white” (hate speech?!)—is campaigning to make existing legislation more draconian. Not for her, “I disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it”.

Are we coming closer to, rather, “I disagree with what you say and will have you thrown in jail for it”? In her own words:

“I believe online hatred is something we can get better at calling out. I believe we need better restrictions when it comes to the online forums, comments sections on some media outlet websites as well as their social media accounts. I am keen to see our Police begin to gather hate crime statistics – at the present time this is not something they collate when responding to call outs.”

So much for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights legislation stating:

Article 19. “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

For Susan Devoy to be in essence seeking to undermine this right under the umbrella excuse of the recently invented “hate crimes” is totally unacceptable.

Is it high time to remind ourselves that our forebears fought against this sort of creeping, virtual totalitarianism that  eventuates when any government, through its representatives and officials, starts on the path of laying down what we can or cannot say…

And what about the famous reminder that “Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom…”

What freedom?

Amy Brooke